
New 360 - Ring Of Death?

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Hey. I was wondering If I get a brand new 360 right now, Will I suffer some Red Ring of Death?

- I'm still kind of deciding if I should get a 360 or a Ps3. I want a 360 because of the online play and such, but I hear it breaks really easily.




  1. The XBOX should be fine as long as you don't confine it. Just leave it in a open space away from the carpet.

    I like my ps3 better though because of the blu-ray and the exclusive titles that it has out now and that are coming out later this year.

    Either way you can't go wrong but since online is important to you go with the xbox! You also get like a 3 year warranty so you'll be fine.

  2. Get the 360 with a proctection plan, like the one they offer at Bestbuy. This way you have nothing to worry about, I have a 360 from 2006 and no Red ring here, I also have a couple of friends that just bought theirs last year and no ring there either. I returned the PS3 after I played 360 online at a friends house and never looked back.  Get your 360 and get killed on Madden or COD 4

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