
New Braces & In pain?

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Hello yesterday i got my lower braces in the first time i've got them .

Although the pain is unbearable my teeth feel so sensitive and every time i close my teeth together it feels like i got stabbed in the mouth . It's even sore eating i've had lots of painkillers / Headache tablets and the pain is still not going . How do i get rid of this pain some other way other than taking medicationn.





  1. you only just got them on... after a week your teeth should be fine. you just have to get through the pain..

    at least you know they are working! lol


  2. i just got my braces out so i no how you feel. im sorry but your teeth will hurt for a few days. goodluck!

  3. i had to go through that to, an uno once i accidently hit my mouth and OMGOSH ,, it was sooooooo painful it was worse then sum1 stabbin you in teh mouth it was h**l!! it took me alot of self control not to scream.. i didnt take any medication.. jus dealed with it.. u can do it!! jus wait a coupl days and teh pain will fade

  4. poor dear, i can relate. my jaw is broken :(

    it's normal to experience that kind of pain unfortunately.

    I discovered during this period that i slam my jaw shut during my sleep. Ouch!

    you just have to ride it out on the pain killers, sorry love. You'll just have to go for soft foods like soups and cheesecake. It lasted a couple of days for me. Sorry there's not much you can do. at least you'll have a beautiful smile at the end :)

  5. Dear this usually doesn't happens with the braces. its really unusual you should call your dentist and seek advice. Please don't delay. take care

  6. eat cold stuff, ice cream helps, and ask your othrodontist for the plastic u chew on, its like a C shape and u put it between ur teeth n u chew on it

  7. sounds like they are already too tight for you. go back to the dentist and get them checked out. something is not right.

  8. Omg I know what a nightmare brace pain can be.

    The only thing I can suggest is, make sure the painkillers you take are the best available, ie Anadin, paradol etc, personally I would recommend Nurofen liquid capsules. As I have found store brand own make, fine for the odd headache, but no good for heavy duty pain like yours.

    One more thing,

    Hang in there!!!  It WILL pass!!

    Best wishes :)

    Just thought I'd add this in edit after seeing a few answers saying that it shouldn't happen.  

    This is not true!!

    It doesn't always happen with everybody, but it's perfectly normal if it does.

  9. You're not alone as this happens to everybody who has just had their fixed braces fitted in.

    This is normal as this indicates that your fixed braces are doing it's job and that the teeth have began to move.

    I used to have fixed braces myself. I can tell you that my teeth felt really tender and painful after I had them fitted in.

    I know that in time the pain will eventually go and that you'll be used to your fixed braces. I noticed that after a week, my teeth felt less painful and I also felt like I'm used to wearing fixed braces.

    I want you to know tell that it'll feel the same when you have your fixed braces tightened every six weeks.

    Also stick to soft foods because your teeth is very tender and painful at the moment and also hard foods may cause the fixed braces to break.

    I hope this helps. Take care always.

  10. After about 2 weeks, the pain dies significantly, so it's worth just hanging in there! You'll always have a slight ache though :(
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