
New MP3 player? Ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys!

Right now I have a 2 GB Sony Walkman. It is amazing!

However, being only 2 GB's, I can't even come close to fitting all of my music on there.

What type of MP3 player would you suggest?

I do not want an iPod, and was looking at spending no more than 175 U.S. dollars. I'd like ti to have video capacity as well.

I was thinking a Zune, is that a good one?

Thanks to all!




  1. crEATIVE IS CHEAP HAS RADIO VIDEO and 4 - 8 gigs under 200 bucks, yes but since I still have a creative that still working after hours upon hours of torture.

  2. zune

    philips go gear- i have one, it's 8 GB and i only paid $100 for it

    sansa fuze

    sansa view

    sansa's are good, I'm thinking about getting one next. you can get a 4 GB for about $100 and 8 for a little more

  3. I own a Zune.  It's pretty good, but mine broke on me after four months, and I have no idea where to get it fixed...  I bought it online.

    But those were some great four months.  I thought the radio would be a terrible idea, because it wouldn't get good reception, but I was proven wrong.

    Cris, yes, Creative is cheap and great, until it breaks and you find the company that made it has moved to India and can't fix it.  Besides, does Creative come with games, pictures, wireless syncing, and can you share it's music with other Creative owners?
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