
New Moon Help??

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Okay well my question is gonna sound really stupid in a second but I really need solutions 4 this.

Okay so I really love the Twilight series and I'm on New Moon now, but my problem is, (and i know his is gonna sound really beyond stupid) but how Edward leaves Bella is really sad, and I know theyre gonna be back together but still I can't pacify myself even though I know they're gonna be back together, and Jacob Black is spending more time w/h Bella than Edward, so can anyone help me out and tell me how to pacify/get rid of this problem.

(Its kinda sad when on page 69, Bella says "You.." and then Edward says no just 4 her wellbeing.)

So Please Help me Out, and Best Answer will be given.


All answers will be g8tly appreciated.




  1. I had the same problem when I was reading New Moon...but my advice to you is to read through it anyway...because one of the times that I read the book I skipped that part and it took away from Edward coming back.......if you read through the part where he leaves and is makes it soooo much better when he comes back.....if you skip doesn't have the same just try your best....and if this is your first time reading the book.....don't skip it cause you will miss a lot of important gets better!

  2. I had the same problem.  I mean, it's like I hate Jacob.  I suggest you read it all the way through, otherwise, you don't see how completely moronic Jacob is, and it takes away from Edward, and the rest of the Cullens coming back.  Also, some stuff that's important happens.  idk how much you know...but keep on reading.  It's worth it in the end. =]

    Hope I helped!
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