
New Rugby Union Position?

by  |  earlier

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ever since i was 7 and started playing Rugby Union, i have been a scrum half, but really these days, i think i'm getting a bit too big for scrum half, i'm 6'2" and 14 stone (195 pounds)

my coach has tried me at Fullback, but, although i'm not slow, i'm just not quick enough to be a fullback for the level i play at.

Do you think i should stick atscrum-half, even though i tower over every scrum half i come up against, or should i try and move into a new position?

if so where do you think i could slot in?

i'm fairly quick, but not the quickest of players, and i have a lot of upper body strength with being a scrummy for so long, and also i have a very good pass and but an average tackle (i'm liable to miss a few every now and again ... oops :-D)

i obviosuly know that moving to a new position after playing in one for so long will be hard, but any ideas of where i could move to will be appreciated as i'm struggling for ideas




  1. i used to play winger, but i didn't have the pace so i now play full back, full back is my now favored position due to i play Aussie rules and my catching has improved and i can tackle, i also play flanker. by your size and build you to suit being a flanker with your speed and your upper body strength for the push in the scrum . GOOD LUCK IN THE NEW SEASON ;)

  2. Man u need to be in the Scrum itself, either as a flanker like the other guy said or in one of the locking positions.... a 6ft 2 scrum half.... does ur coach realise ur not 7 anymore lol

  3. if you can kick well u should try fly-half and if u cant try number 8 which is probably the easiest forward position there is and also tends to be some of the fastest forwards there are. and since you think your not fast enough for fullback maybe inside centre which tends to require a bit less speed than fullback! good luck!

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