
New Zealand Spiders?

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Are There Any Deadly Spiders In New Zealand?




  1. The Katipo.  Likes to hide out in old bits of wood - often near the beach.  So ... if you're on the beach - have a good look before you sit down on any old logs!

  2. We have one native spider that can cause death but only if your immune system is low or you have a heart problem.  And it is mostly found in rubbish on the beaches.  There is cross breeding with the red back and the katapo but is found very rarely.

    Our problem spider is the white tail.  It is now over most of the North Island and part of the south. It is found in dark places including inside homes. My sister has been biten by one and found a nest of them under her materess base.  She suffered badly with pain and a unhealed site.

  3. The White Tail and the Red Back spider are the only ones that I know of. Although they inhabit here in New Zealand they are very rarely seen in the city.

  4. the white tail spider ive seen a few i live in christchurch and they are here more likely in older houses they like warm areas like computers tv's and stuff they are the worst spider in nz

    white tails are fast spiders! there are no red backs! there has been one huntsman loose in new zealand from australia it roamed around christchurch for a bit.

  5. THe only native spider that is consdiered deadly ( but there are no known cases) is the katapo...a relative of the red back from australia. But these spiders are rare and I have only ever seen them when I was at university in a lab!!

    The other spiders are introduced from Australia...the white tail which would be the most widespread ( a big beefy spider with a white tail end) does not kill but causes some nasty bites apparently.....I think there are some small colonies of reb backs in the north Island somewhere, but I live in the Souhth Island and the only one I worry about is the white tail. I HATE them.

  6. Yes a little grey and black backed one. It bites and the bite location does not heal. But beware of the sand flies and the Ke's.

  7. nope, but they have recently had some white-tailed spiders hitch a ride from Oz which are nasty little critters that can give you a bite that may cause your skin to fall off in sheets. Definitely keep away from them. NZ is remarkably free of nasties actually - no snakes, spiders nice and small and non-deadly, but their mosquitoes more than make up for it being some of the biggest mothers you have ever seen!

  8. Spiders in New Zealand

    What to look out for and keeping yourself safe

    New Zealand is home to about 2500 kinds of spiders, most of them harmless to people. Only some spiders are capable of biting humans. There are three species of spiders in New Zealand that should be avoided - the Katipo, the Redback and the White-tailed Spider.

    The katipo (Latrodectus katipo) and the redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti) belong to the same genus as the American black widow spider. These two are the only venomous spiders found in New Zealand. In both species it is the adult females that are capable of biting humans. Bites from both species are extremely rare and there is a safe and effective antivenom for both redback and katipo bites.
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