
New Zealand crime news?

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I'm over it. What is with stupid maoris. I know i sounds racist put most crimes in this country come from maoris! Why can't they be like most of mainstrem nz




  1. I feel you.. i was born in nz, raised in auckland and now i live in sydney.. the aboriginals over here are just as bad.

  2. the white people are seen as occupiers by many Maori. - hence they dont respect the law

    my part of greece was occupied by the Turks for 400 years before they where kicked out. So its been 200 years of occupation in NZ thats not very long.

    the treaty is the single biggest problem in NZ and then the gangs. the treaty keeps people looking back and not forward. I think its silly that people expect things now because they dont like what their ancestors signed 200 years ago. If i'm not happy my grandfather sold something years ago I dont go around complaining and expecting it back?

    the statistics of jail fiquires basically reflect the gang percentages also. Maori leaders should be more worried about fitting in with the world than running around the bush with guns,

    its such a touchy subject, and very complicated, basically the buck stops with the leaders not the sheep


  3. What is Mainstream New Zealand?

    Unless you mean Asian....

    Theres no such now as Mainstream Anything...anymore

    If youre not part of the Solution

    Then youre Part of the Problem....

    Is it just me, or do you sound like a uneducated white person??

  4. Hi there,

    I'm a Maori and I know which tribe I affiliate with and where I am from.

    Firstly I would like to say that I totally agree with you.  I have worked with law enforcement and within the justice system and unfortunately, most of the people I have had to deal with have either been my cousins or people from my race.

    When you watch Police Ten 7, most of the descriptions of offenders are Maori/Polynesian and it irks the h**l out of me.

    First reason is:  There are activists out there that are trying to claim that us as the 'under privileged' race need more assistance with this and more money for that.  They go on about how our race are poorly treated and that we are blamed for so much.

    When will they get into their heads that our people are the highest offenders in the country!  Nearly every second person in the dock in court is of Maori or Polynesian decent.

    Second reason why I get so worked up:  These people that claim 'no jurisdiction' when they have been caught shoplifting, for burglary, driving with no licence, assault, rape etc...etc.... are the same people that wish to go to the ATM machine to withdraw their benefit money which is given to them from the same government that they believe have no jurisdiction over them.  If you do the crime, no matter what race, you do the freakin' time!

    This is a very sensitive subject and I agree that all NZer's should be treated the same no matter what race they are.

    Yes, ok, we were colonised and we weren't allowed to speak our language let alone carry out our traditions in the old days, but COME ON PEOPLE that was the old days, things have changed now, the Maori people get more assistance with education and employment than any other race in the country, in that each tribe have funds set aside so that they can invest, let it grow and give it out to people in the tribe that need it for various things.  We have total immersion schools where you have to only speak Maori - IMAGINE if the europeans started up a school where you were only allowed to speak english!!!!

    We have a rugby team where you have to be a decendant of a Maori to get into - what would happen if the europeans or asians started up an all white or all asian team?????

    I just wish we could all just get along, I've found that alot of my family feel so disadvantaged in life, but the reality is, they sit on their asses waiting for things to come to them, they can't be bothered getting off the couch and getting a job.  There are a ton of jobs out there and a ton of opportunities but some are rarely taken.

    On the other hand, I know a ton of Maori's who have made something of themselves because they've taken risks, gotten themselves through school and been dedicated to bettering their own lives instead of waiting for someone else to do it for them.

    I love my race and I love my country, but something needs to be done.  It is not OK to abuse children, It is not OK to assault a stranger for a pair of shoes, It is not OK to take drugs! and yet lately, in the news Maori's are the stars.

  5. i think every race has thier trouble makers, maybe some have a higher rate of criminals and lawbreakers, but then you have to consider the lower socioeconomic conditions related to various races, for example; the NATIVE americans, the NATIVE australians and the NATIVE new zealanders

  6. Firstly, its Maori for both singular and plural, and making such statistics into a racial issue is flawed.  It is predominantly a socio-economic issue.  Wealthy and successful Maori are about as likely to commit crimes as other wealth and successful parts of the population.  While those who are poorer are more likely to have been driven to crime, and lower socio-economic groups tend to make up a large percentage of poor family environments (violence etc).  The fact is, a greater percentage of Maori are in the lower socio-economic band, which, statistically are more predisposed to many forms of criminality.  There are a few extremists, who are prepared to infringe on laws for Maori sovereignty etc., but this number is not great enough to have a large impact on statistics.  I suggest you consider researching some sociological studies before jumping to conclusions over statistics.  Statistics can be greatly manipulated.  'Lies, damned lies, and statistics' the saying goes.

  7. Maoris make up 13% of NZs population...

    56% of all females in prison are Maori

    50% of all males in prison are Maori

    I agree. There are those extremists (i.e. the Destiny's Church and the Maori Party) who are so completely unreasonable.

    If there is any development in New Zealand the Maoris have to be taken into consideration. We were learning about this in Geography and I asked him if I had a 'tie' with a piece of land under development would my 'tie' have the same weight as a Maori tie to that land and he said NO!

    Apparently some of don't know how to live in society. Since the Europeans invaded they've had there way of life snatched from them. But in my opinion they seem to enjoy their Maccas/cellphones/make up a lot and wouldn't give it up! They want the very best of both worlds and still cause havoc. And guess what? They get exactly that.

    You're not being racist either.

    I think everyone forgets about what happened with the Maoris came to New Zealand and what they did to the Moriories... They ate them! At least we had the desency to not eat the Maoris when we arrived. We actually helped them to become more civized. Do you think it's in their nature to complain about everything though?

    EDIT- I think Tash couldn't have said it any better. She hit the nail right on the head.

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