
New Zealander liviving in Belize??

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My partner and I are expecting our first child in December. We are looking for a semi tropical home to relocate to. After browsing the internet we have come across Belize. Alot of the information we have found has said that it is remarkably cheap living, with lovely tropical conditions. However, we feel it sounds too good to be true!!

Can anyone give us some advice on relocating there.

Information on Tax policies, Visa's, residencies, passports etc.

as well as living costs; food, amenities, rent, buying a house etc as well as the general lifestyle.

Please just give us any info you can!! Thankyou.




  1. Cost of living is less expensive in any central american country, if you live as a local.

    For a similar quality of life as in New Zealand ( or Australia ), differences in cost narrow.

    In small towns, land in Belize is unexpensive.

    In Belize city, and in touristic places land is expensive.

    To obtain a permission to live in Belize ( without employment ) it is necessary to have a minimum income of USA$2000 per month / per life.

    If your child is born in Belize he / she will have Belizean nationality.

    If parents are New Zealanders he / she also will have the rigth to the Kiwi nationality.

    Good luck.

  2. I've lived and worked in Belize.Living there can be quite inexpensive IF you can live as the average Belizean does.

    See link below for the answers to your other questions and more information about moving to,and living in Belize. Also,congratulations on your first child, what a perfect Christmas gift that will be.

    Buena Suerte!


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