
New Zealanders?

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Why are you now trying to evoke images of "the fallen" in your rugby adverts? Don't you think that trying to create parrelels between people who have lost their lives, fighting in wars...and simply being paid to play a game of rugby is a bit disrespectful?

And if you are now favorites for the world cup, and have been for the last three years, why is your motto "impossibility" is nothing?

Shouldn't it be "probabilty is nothing"?




  1. Number of New Zealanders: Approx 4 million people.

    Number of people who contributed in making this advertisement: Approx 50.

    Exaggerate more?

    "Why are you now trying to evoke images of "the fallen" in your rugby adverts" Is your interpretation of the advertisement, or more likely your English teachers. I for one don't think of the advert in this way.

    "And if you are now favorites for the world cup, and have been for the last three years, why is your motto "impossibility" is nothing?

    Shouldn't it be "probabilty is nothing"?"

    Adidas are the sponsers of the All Blacks. THEIR motto is impossible is nothing.

    Im finished.

  2. Well done Hawkeye, I'm so glad your on this forum. Once again you have said every thing I wanted to say and more. You write like a pro - you're class act, good on ya mate. I'm afraid I'm not going to be as professional with my response to this question.

    Nonenzedder, yeah . . . your name speaks volumes - sad, twisted, sick little puppy. Wake up dipshit ! The world does not revolve around the USA , it's history, it's pop culture, it's industry awards or the views of it's government and people.

    The American civil war!!!, soldiers holding dead bodies!!!

    what in f**k are you on about ? You are fully reaching.

    It's a New Zealand advertisement made in New Zealand for New Zealand people! Zero to do with USA - keep your sticky beak out of it. If you don't like the advertisement don't bloody watch it, don't go out of your way to stick it on this forum, and don't cry about.

    You seem to be looking for a chance to bash New Zealanders. Why? And why on this forum? This space is about celebrating the game of rugby - not grinding your own axe. Get a life !

    And Bru you muttonhead, how can you say "I have never seen it but it in my opinion it should be pulled" - click on the hyper link at the top of the page - watch the add and tell me how many dead bodies you see. There isn't one d**n sepo in the whole clip!

  3. An interesting fact:

    This documentary came out in the United States in 1990.  Though it was much talked about, I did not have a television at the time and did not see it.  

    Several years later (1993), I was living and playing rugby in New Zealand (Wanganui).  I turned on the television one day to see that this documentary was on.  I figured out (before too long) which it was, and I watched it avidly, as it was compelling viewing.  

    The entire 11 hour documentary was shown in NZ in weekly installments, and I managed to see about half of them (I didn't start at the beginning).

    I have absolutely no idea what this means.

  4. What the heck are you talking about?  I dont think I've seen a more misinformed post on these boards.

    That commercial has absolutely nothing to do with war.  It is all about how the All Blacks are pulled from all over the country and how they come together from different clubs to form our national team.  I have no idea where the "fallen" and "fighting in wars" can be drawn from that commercial... you've really REALLY missed the point.

    As for the "Impossible is Nothing" campaign.  Thats the Adidas marketing slogan.... they use it in ALL their commercials for ALL their athletes ranging from the All Blacks to Gilbert Arenas, Muhammad Ali to David Beckham, Sachin Tendulkar to Kobe Bryant.  It's as famous as the Nike "Just Do It" slogan.  

    Like I said, very misinformed.


    I am "taking the p**s" out of war from that commercial?  I think you are being absolutely ridiculous.  Carl Hayman was the one and only player holding a clod of dirt and as you can see, it represents bringing different parts of NZ together to form the whole at the end of the commercial.  I have no idea what documentary you are talking about and the fact that it is an American Civil War one only adds to the fact that hardly anyone (especially 4 millions Kiwi's) have a clue about it.

    How on Earth you can come here and criticise the entire nation of NZ for something a German company would have control of is beyond me.  I think you are just looking for things that aren't there... and finding them because you want to.  Your nickname only adds to that probability.

    nonenzedder, do you seriously think that Richie McCaw, Jerry Collins, Jonah Lomu or anyone that plays for the All Blacks actually direct and produce commercials in their spare time sir?  I have absolutely NO DOUBT that none of them have ever heard of, let alone seen "The Civil War".  They are rugby players... no more, no less.  They play rugby for a living and are paid by the NZRFU and as part of the contract they signed they are obliged to make certain appearances in public and advertising campaigns.  If you seriously think that Rodney So'oialo was making a conscious effort to disrespect a civil war soldier when he walked in front of a camera in Wellington, I think you are very much mistaken.  You should take your obvious dislike of NZ and/or the All Blacks and focus your efforts elsewhere.

    You are wrong to try and make this connection, you are wrong to try and blame New Zealanders for it, you are wrong to try and blame the players and you were wrong about the "Impossible is nothing"... like I said... very misinformed.

    As it turns out, you are wrong about it winning an Oscar as well.... very, very misinformed.

  5. First of all I am a New Zealand it is not me I can assure you who is doing it.  The New Zealand Rugby Union is, so take your gripes out with them.  

    I don't not feel it is appropriate to evoke symbolism especially of a nature that compares sports to war. It undermines those who have put their lives on the line to protect those who couldn't, namely us the next generations.  May they never be forgotten.

    Quotes on the other hand should be Lord Tennyson let your reach exceed your grasp or what is a heaven for, something profound and for the record I don't abide by what they have done I have never seen it but it in my opinion it should be pulled.  Lets remember its a sport and sometimes it escapes people that its just a game.  Creating advertisements like that is senseless and crass.  I wouldn't like them to defile the memories of the many wars the our follow countrymen " diggers"  have fought in all in the name of freedom.

  6. Kiwi's have a sense of humour failure when it comes to the AB's.

    I'm sure your right about the Ad, but it was the imagery not the context that they wanted. kiwi's don't know about the documentary.

    I laughed at the 'probability is nothing' mind if I use it?

    When my brother met his Kiwi mate after the '04 semi-final, he coughed a few times and said 'Sorry, got a wallaby stuck in my throat'.

    You can't have fun with the AB's though mate. it's life and death to them. it's like criticising hunting in The South.
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