
New cat having problems?

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I just got a new kitten 2 weeks ago and she was 5 weeks, so obviously she is 7 weeks now. She uses the litter box just fine and all the time when she is locked in the bathroom with her bed, food, water, and litter box, but for some reason, when she is upstairs and she has to go, she goes in one specific corner, scratches the rug, meows, and squats like she is going to poo. Sometimes when we can't catch her she does. I don't understand why she does this and what we can do to prevent it. She never pees, just poo, and I always have to clean it up. Please help. (By the way she is not spayed yet. But we will soon)




  1. It's simply too far to go at 7 weeks.  Give her a litter box upstairs in the same corner (or at least nearby) and the problem will be solved.  My adult cats have litter boxes upstairs and down.

  2. Had the same problem with both my new kittens.  After speaking to the vet, they told me the carpet feels like their litter and doesnt know any better that its not their litter.  Try putting foil down where she goes, they dont like the feeling of it.  It worked for both my kittens.  They now know they shouldnt go there and to go in the litter box.  

    Also, when you pick up the p**p, place it in the litter box and then bring her to the litter box.  I know you said she goes in there sometimes, but this will help her continue litter box training.

    Hope this helps!

  3. My kitten was the same. She was too little to know where her box was, so we brought the box into the room where we were playing with her, so she always had it near by. Kittens, esp. one so little, are still learning and don't have great bladder control. For now, keep the box close. My kitten is 6 months old now and has been doing great for the last 3 months. No accidents!

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