
New haircut----> good or bad?

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okay so i have light brown hair

my friend's older sister is gonna cut my hair in 2 days

and i have medium thick, shoulder length hair, and side bangs.

my friends sister is giving me a scene haircut...

im not looking for opinions on whether or not i should get that done

because ive already made up my mind. but im curious...should i dye my hair a little darker? cus im thinkin the scene cut might look weird wit light brown hair...




  1. You would need to post a picture in order to get a GOOD answer on this....

  2. Should have put a picture;...

  3. deffinatly fo darker

  4. yeah i would go darker and get it thinned out too  

  5. actually, i think it looks like nicer with lighter hair, because you can really see the layers, & it looks cute..... thats how i have my hair, and i get compliments about it :)

    btw, can you help me out??<3;...

  6. yea u should...i think scene hair cuts look a lil better wit darker hair...i dont thnk u need to dye it like black or anything just maybe a shade or 2 darker than ur light brown

  7. yupp darker;...

  8. Well only if you want but I've seen a lot of scene hairstyles with light brown hair.

    Those are just a few examples

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