
New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance?

by Guest45330  |  earlier

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Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates?




  1. Check this site out and just input the two different areas, should give you a good estimate on the differences between the two areas. Good Luck!

  2. New Hampshire is a state that does NOT require auto insurance, so that would be a whole lot cheaper.  

    MA drivers leave no surviviors!

    .... so MA insurance is HIGH and a lot of companies will not sell policies there.

  3. I suggest you find a local auto insurance agent to assist you. Since I live in Virginia I can't recommend an agent in New Hampshire, but here is an website that can help you.

    Good Luck.

  4. Generally, yes, NH insurance rates are less than MA insurance rates.  But, it also depends on where you live in each state & the company (there is now limited competition in MA).  Also, MA is a PIP state & NH is NOT a PIP state, so there is less coverage in NH.

    If you are moving to NH you will need to get a NH license, registration & insurance.  If you are not moving & just want to get an address in NH to get insurance there, you can't.  You have to sign a Residence Form stating you are actually a resident of NH & live there.  It also states that you will notify your insurance as soon as you move out of state (at any time during the policy - even if it is years from the time you sign it).  If you are really not a resident of NH and an accident occurs, the company WILL deny coverage & in essence, you were paying for a nonexistent policy.

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