
New hamster??!?!?

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i just got a new hamster and it is very hyper and sometimes when i go to pet it she goes on her back and looks like shes dead. what does that mean?




  1. Laying on back, feet up is the hamsters "submissive" posture. Basically, she's admitting that you're bigger and the boss hamster. Don't scold her, just talk to her in a reassuring tone and approach her calmly and she'll become less afraid of you.

  2. by Law L

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    For a start, you need more than one rat. Rats are very social and may suffer from depression living alone.

    The average monthly price is what you want it to be. You will need bedding like carefresh every month, and probably treats and at least one new toy- but it's ultimately up to you.

    You need a HUGE cage of at least two/three feet tall and at least two feet wide and deep. Your last question asked for cheap cages- you can try looking online, but you can't have a SMALL cage like you can for mice, it has to be as big as I've suggested already.

    You'll also need a ceramic or metal food bowl, food, a water bottle, bedding (carefresh material) and gnawing toys. I strongly advise you get another rat or your single rat will need increased vet care and live a shorter life.

    1 day ago

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    by Fashion&... Member since:

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    food, a water bottle, a hide(igloo or castle), bedding, wheel, etc.

    I suggest getting toys, since you only want one, and they like to play and be active, so toys would be a must.

    You will need a big cage to keep your rat healthy and happy.


    1 day ago

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    by me = me Member since:

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    food such as pellets

    you should also give it stuff like corn apple carrot brocoly ect.

    water bottle thing

    a house for it to sleep in

    sawdust and ripped up news paper

    you dont have to get 2 as long as you spend heaps of time with it evry girl

    also dont listen when people say a certain s*x is best because its just how much attantion you give it

    you should get one from a animal shelter as they would be more affectionate and you would be saving its life

    email me if you have any more questions on

    one more thing dobnt put wheels in its cage because it hurts thier back

    hope i helped oxoxox

    23 hours ago


    i have kept and bread rats for ages

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    by Brenda Member since:

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    rats/mice are great pets mine love, veggies, clover, and treats of spagetti, mac & cheese and peanutbutter

    23 hours ago

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    by RodentLo... Member since:

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    136 (Level 1) For a start, you need more than one rat. Rats are very social and may suffer from depression living alone.

    The average monthly price is what you want it to be. You will need bedding like carefresh every month, and probably treats and at least one new toy- but it's ultimately up to you.

    You need a HUGE cage of at least two/three feet tall and at least two feet wide and deep. Your last question asked for cheap cages- you can try looking online, but you can't have a SMALL cage like you can for mice, it has to be as big as I've suggested already.

    You'll also need a ceramic or metal food bowl, food, a water bottle, bedding (carefresh material) and gnawing toys. I strongly advise you get another rat or your single rat will need increased vet care and live a shorter life.

    If you can, get 2 male rats. They tend to be more cuddlier and WAY more friendlier.

    Give them as much time as possible

    I am currently taking my 2 male rats for works with a harness I bought off ebay for $5

    It's a great way to spend time with your rats.

    Hope this helped =]

    Email me if you have any more questions.

    23 hours ago - Edit - Delete


    Proud rat & mice owner

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    by katie m Member since:

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    well it is not that hard to pick a rat alls you really need to do is stick your hand in the cage and let the rat choose you but rats allways have to be in doesnt cost that much, it really depends on what you a going to feed it. but regular food is about $5 a month,but if you get a small thing of food,it may coast about $3 about every 3 weeks. what you would need is a few toys, ahouse and some treats.

    22 hours ago

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    by Dawacky L Member since:

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    more than one rat, two or three is ideal, all male or all female (doesnt matter which)

    females are more skittish and love to run around and explore

    males are more docile and like sitting on your lap or shoulder

    get the largest cage possible, make sure the flooring isnt wire, it should be a wire cage with a solid plastic base that is removable. Contrary to a lot of books and pet shops rats prefer cages where they can run around in, so aim to get a cage with alot of floor space rather than a high cage. It's great if it's high as well but levels aren't that great in a smallish cage because there isnt enough room to run around freely esp when the bed and food and toys are all in. Guinea pig cages are ideal as long as the bars are narrow if they are too wide a rat can squeeze through, they can squeeze through tiny gaps.

    Bedding-aspen only and I like to add some shredded non bleached, un-inked paper to add a soft layer and bedding they can take into their house.

    House-they sell "igloos" and houses for rats, buy one that will fit the number you are getting and so they can wash themselves and move around in it easily. You can also buy hammocks but the igloo should be their sleeping area because it is draught free.

    Food- heavy ceramic or metal bowl and basic rat and mouse food, topped up with nuts, seeds, cereals, dried fruit and a piece of fruit or vege each day such as a small carrot, couple of flowrettes of cauliflower, brocolli or pieces of cucumber. Treats can be yoghurt, small piece of cooked meat, cooked egg, dried banana, banana, little piece of plain cookie.

    Water-buy a decent sized water bottle (bout the size of a rat), bowls are okay but water bottles are better cos the water doesnt get dirty and it doesnt spill. Fill it up every day or every second day with fresh water, scrub once a week,

    Toys-for the cage-wooden chews (try and by the ones with the least dyes in them and locally made) and mineral blocks, sturdy cat balls, bird bells and mirrors, climbing ropes either in the bird or rodent section. -outside the cage-cat feather toys, soft string (to drag around), lots of boxes (cute holes in em to make changeable obstacle courses), ramps, a sheet (they can tunnel under).

    Take them out for at least 1/2 hour a day preferably 1 hour. Try and rat-proof the area you take them out in. Unplug and hide any cords, make sure there aren't any gaps under or behind shelves or sofas where they can run behind (if you miss this you might spend several hours trying to coax them out again). Set up obstacle courses for them, handle them, use your hand to play with them (play tag. gently wrestle them etc).

    Clean the cage about every 5 days.

    At first they will be nervous and might take about a month to fully get used to you. use food treats and patience.

    Other things that are useful are a dustpan and brush, plastic bags and a very mild dish washing liquid for cleaning the cage.

    So once you are set up the things you need to purchase are

    -weekly-food,chew toys

    -monthly-bedding, new hammock (they chew them up), some new toys

    -every three or four months-new climbing ropes, toys might need to enlarge the old igloo or house as they grow.

    19 hours ago


    Owner of 3 rats, but all together owned 6.

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    by Taffy Member since:

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    When you get a rat make sure you have time to play with it. Thats how my rat died he did not get enough attention. So if you cant play with him all the time you should get 2. The prices go up from 20 dollars to 40 dollars. depending where you live and what brand you buy. You need food, water bottles, food dishes, chew toys, bedding, hay [optional], and an igloo or something to hide in.

    17 hours ago


    My rat Ben.

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    by Nise M Member since:

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    You really should get two rats. When i first got my rats they where very scared of me so be calm and sweet with them try to let them come to you and they won't be so scared in a while.The cost is about the same for two as it is for one . It costs me about 6$ for food 20$ for bedding and 10$ for toys. So about 35- 40$ a month. You must buy toys ,food and water bowls (it better to get a water bottle then a bowl because bowls can spill), bedding, if you are going to litter box train them then litter and a litter box,they really love hammocks but you don't have to buy them one. Rats are really great pets good choice!

    15 hours ago

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    by Veggie Chic The Animal Lover Member since:

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    For one thing you should b

  3. She sounds like she likes her new home & likes u. And it also sounds like she likes to act like a dog! LOL! she probably just wants u to pet her.

  4. i think it means she likes to play!

  5. She's just playing with you. It is probably a game she would play with her mother. Just play along and pretend to be worried. If you REALLY don't like it, then scold her and train her not to play dead. Or you can show it to your friends as a trick and say "Play dead", pet the rabbit, and wait until she pretends to die.

  6. Actually the top two answers are wrong. When your hammie does this she is trying to show you she is submissive its how hammies interact one will stand up and the other will go on its back to show that the other is boss and that she poses no threat. Also she is probably a little shy put your hand in the cage flat and let her smell you and then will get used to you also feed her a treat and play with her 15 mins a day and she will learn not to be afraid and that your not boss but a friend.

  7. My new hamster used to do that too.  The first time she scared me so bad that I rushed her to the vet.  She told me that they do that if they get scared.  It's a defense mechanism.  Just try to go slower so you don't scare her.
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