
New keyboard or Nintendo Ds?

by Guest63358  |  earlier

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Hi. I really have this problem. I don't know what to buy for my birthday money. I have this keyboard, its pretty small (5 octaves), and not so good quality. So i want to buy a new one. But i also want a Nintendo DS with pokemon Diamond or pearl. I am 15 btw. I love playing pokemon and i give such a big F*** in what ppl say. My birthday's 21. september.

Please help!




  1. keyboards are fairly cheap i thought? compared to a DS anyway. i would go for the DS, cos the new pokemon game platinum is coming out. wait until platinum comes out, and the shop should be selling DSs really cheaply as a bundle with platinum.

    so i would so, right now, get a new keyboard, but don't spend too much on one. save as much money as possible for when platinum comes out (should be fairly soon in the US).

    don't worry i'm 16 and i play pokemon. maybe you could consider joining this site? it's just a place where us pokemon fans chat about stuff and battle. it's only just started up so it's even more fun!

    and have a great birthday too!!!

  2. I would go for nintendo DS. You'll get more fun out of it and I think it's worth the money. It depends how much you use your keyboard however, but don't worry about it if size is all your worried about because look at the new laptops that are coming out! The keyboards on some of them are tiny!

  3. I have both of these, and i use my DS much much more. I'd write a list of pros and cons about both, and search the internet for cheapest prices. Also, games for the DS are around £15 - £30 each (depends whether it's just released, etc.). But, it is all worth it (;

  4. personaly i think that the netendo ds blows i think the psp is better and also you cant make money off of playing a nentendio you said your 15 so you should be improving your keyboarding skills so when your older or sumthing your really good and you can do sumthing with your life than play video games

  5. Depends how much money you have and if someone tells you grow up or its g*y tell em to go F***  them cause there just trying to act kool i play you have the right to play whatever you want

  6. Depends on what you want the most. I have a DS and I love it. But if you want your music to imporve get the keyboard. Think about your priorities really. Remember, a DS will cost you more because the games are expensive. Enjoy whatever you buy!!

  7. i think you should buy the ds if you like pokemon. pokemon diamond and pearl are great.

  8. A DS is SO much better than a keyboard! I was suprised to see this question! A DS would keep you busy for like as long as you buy new games. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Are really great! They added new features such as dressing up your pokemon and much more! I Reccomend you get the DS. A keyboard is just a keyboard and you cant play with it or anything! But its your choice...

  9. The DS deffos - Diamond and pearl are soooo good and there are soooooooooooooo many other awesome games (mario kart, new super mario).

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