
New mama tired all the time!?

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my son is five months old now. He has been sleeping 6-9 hours of continuous sleep since he was 6 weeks old. He also naps during the day. I get to go to sleep when he does which is between 10-11PM. I have to get up at 6AM for work and hubby is worried about me because I HAVE to nap at least an hour or two during the day or I can not keep my eyes open. Ive been to the doctor and gotten tested for anemia No problems with my iron levels. I dont know whats wrong? the doctor said if I am still having the same problem to go back in a month. I dont think I can wait a month im misserable and feeling guilty for sleeping so often and not spending that time with hubby&son. any new moms have the same problem? what could it be? thank you so much




  1. It always took me a year to get energized again. I always went out and ran until I couldn't run, then fast paced walking until I could run, then run again. I did this for about a mile a day. I found it took alot of will power, but if I could make myself do it then I would do more and more till I was normal again. It is a hard road to travel but the more energy you use, the more you will have in return.  

  2. I have the same problem, though I also have a chronic illness, so that doesn't help either. My son is 28 months old and I need A LOT of sleep. Have they also checked your thyroid? Those can go South on you during or after pregnancy, and not enough thyroid hormone can make you sleepy.  

  3. Being a new mum is tiring, it takes a while to get used to.

    Have you tried taking some multi vitamins? Might help to pick you up a bit.

  4. My baby is 4 months old and sleeps 9-10 hours a night, and takes 2-3 naps during the day..and I'm a teacher (so home right now for summer break) and I'm STILL always tired. I get about 8 hours of sleep each night, and try to work in a nap during the day...I know I feel more energized when I work out or go for a walk or something. Maybe try exercising. If you're getting to sleep at 10-11 and then getting up at 6, that's only 7-8 hours of sleep..maybe try getting to sleep earlier. You may just need more sleep. Good luck.

  5. It could possibly be your thyroid. I would call your doctor and see if he tested that when he tested for anemia. If he didn't I would ask him to test your levels.

  6. Being a first time mother is very tiring, you are trying to cope with yourself & the baby. It will take time for you to adjust to this. I believe this is normal, for most first time mothers. I was just like you when I had my first. Unless this carry on for the next few months, maybe you should seek professional help regarding post-natal depression. You are feeling lethargic, it's good to take some time off for yourself, go for a spa/shopping or just 1-2hours of rest/nap. Take care of yourself well & I'm sure everything will worked out well. Good luck!

  7. you should get a b12 shot, it gives you lots of energy and its good for you. Ask your doctor next time you see him.

  8. sounds like a tired mom. I have a 21/2 and 5 year old and I'm pregnant with number three. Just the other night I passed out at 9:30 and didn't wake up till 7:00 the next morning. I then fell asleep for another hour later in that day. Trust me being a mom is tough. I mean being a mom and working of course your tired. I remember with my first daughter I used to sleep every minute she did. I would nap with her 2 hours in the day and then sleep all night. Then after I had my second daughter I did the same thing. I wouldn't be worried. You're exhausted. I am a stay at home mom and I find myself falling asleep if I sit still for too long. lol. I couldn't imagine working on top of that. Just rest up when you can and I think you're fine.

  9. You should be sleeping 8-10 hours of sleep some need 10....Or maybe try some green tea or coffee during the day... I hope you are healthy and eating well...

  10. I honestly believe this is normal. You are , like most new moms, tired and probably a little overwhelmed. Do not let yourself feel guitly for needing a nap, if its what you need to stay on top of things its not going to hurt. Also if your feeling guitly or any such feeling you should really consider if thats it or its the baby blues, depression. Id discuss this with your doctor if you feel as if you cant wait.

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