
New mom, new stuff?

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Ok I'm due Nov. 6th this will be my first and so very excited to say it's a girl! I have went absolutely crazy with already buying all kinds of stuff, clothing, pacifers, blankets, etc... I know I should wait til the baby shower I just needed to get a little bit out of my system.

Anyways, what are some products such as bottles, car seat brands, just anything that may be helpful for me to know about. Whats the best kind of bottle? Umm just stuff like that I'd love to hear any kind of advice you have to give..

Nice advice that is. Just a new mom reading everything and researching everything to be prepared to be the best mom...

Thanks in advance




  1. first congrats!  I have a 1 year old girl also.  We used Avent bottles, i don't suggest mixing different bottles together, it can confuse a baby.  diapers we used are pampers, they didn't leak for her her, huggies did.  lots of wipes and desitin.  use the desitin every time, she never had diaper  rash because of that.  don't worry about a wipe warmer, the wipes get  cold quickly

    one thing we did for the first few months while doing late night feedings was to measure out the amount of formula before bed so we didn't have to think about measuring it while being half asleep

    most of all have fun, and yes, you WILL survive the first few months!!

  2. Honestly we didn't buy much of anything because the ladies I know all had girls and just gave me everything they could. As for bottles I bought the ones (no specific brand) that are supposed to help reduce air in baby's tummy. Just about any brand offers those these days. I haven't had a chance to try them out yet, I've still got a full week left til I'm due.

  3. I have 9 week old twins and i breast fed the first month which with twins is hard but now they both use bottle and they use the bottles made by playtex i love them and they are great for my boys. Uh and for your baby shower I bet you will get so many strollers and car seats and things that you wont have to worry about that!!!

  4. We have been shopping also for my daughters first baby. I have seen a lot of bottles, if you read there are a lot of anti colic bottles these are what we bought. Car seats were cheaper at Wal-mart and they have a big selection. We also purchased a baby swing. My daughter has really enjoyed getting a baby book and writing down things that has happened or that she is feeling to share with her baby someday. I think the baby book is a must and since you are having a girl find the little hair bows, frilly dresses, lacy socks, ect... go ahead and get the things that you see now they might not be there when you have your shower.

  5. As far as bottles I would say that the Dr. Brown's are the best, they are a little more pricey and there are a lot of pieces to clean but my son had gas within his first two weeks from using regular bottles, when we switched to Dr. Brown's he stopped his screaming 24/7.

    The things I use the most with our baby is

    -Boppy, he loves sleeping in teh middle of it and it is great if you are going to breastfeed or in case your arm gets tired from holding the baby it is firm to rest your arm on.

    -Recieving blankets, you cant ever have enough we use them as burp rags washcloths everything

    -don't buy too many diapers or newborn clothes because they grow so quick, our aunt bought us two boxes of newborn diapers from but we could only use one of them he grew so fast and now we have the same problem with his size 1 diapers.

    -Formula even if you are planning to breastfeed it might not work or you might change your mind and you don't want to go out shopping right after giving birth.

    -The layettes were my favorite thing when he was just born because there are no buttons to deal with you just push the bottom up and change the diaper and pull back down, babies hate having their diaper changed ha

    Good luck and Congratulations being a mom is the best thing i could ever ask for.

    oh and you will want some things to entertain yourself but wait so they are new when you come home. I got postpartum/cabin fever bad and it lasted about a month so you will want something to keep your mind occupied.

  6. Ok let me see.. let me start with bottles.  I love the Dr.Brown bottles ( bias, know him personally)  if you can't find them, then the Avent bottles are pretty good too.  They both cut down on air the baby gets while feeding.

    Now onto car seats.  I loved  Graco products, and I have found with my grandchildren I like the Graco  SnugRide the best.  Now this is just a matter of personal opinion.

    For my 3 girls, I always like to put things in their hair, if they had any.  If they didn't, I used headbands.  I think it is just so cute to see, and with 1 of my girls, you really couldn't tell that she was a girl, so the headband helped.

    For your baby shower, you should ask for some type of photo club membership.  You will want lots of pictures, and it is always nice to belong to a photo club, that saves you on setting fee's and gets you cheaper pictures.

    Now, another thing that I have used with my grandchildren and just totally love is the baby swing.    For this we used the Fisher Price 3-in-1 Cradle/Swing.  It was wonderful.  The grand-kids loved it, and so did I.

    Congratulations!!!! You will have to keep me informed on how things are going. I am excited for you!!!
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