What would you do if you felt like you and your spouse were growing apart? We have been married four years and it seems like nothing is the same anymore. He use to look at me with this deep loving stare that is totally gone. It seems like we co exist but thats all. I cant get him to want to spend time with me. Example, yesterday, I asked if he wanted to go watch fireworks and he was to tired. Tonight, however he is at a ball game with a friend he went straight from work and now its 2 am and hes still not home. I called and even went to voice mail he texted me at 10:30 and said the game was over and he was going to hang out with his friend. I feel very alone. I wish he wanted to do things with me. Part of me thinks he stays with his friends to avoid me. I dont know what to do and how not to feel so depressed. Do you think this is just post partum depression? Any advice?