
New pet RODENT???

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I want a new pet rodent. I have had rats but my mom made me get rid of them so no rats, even though i love them. and my guinea pig died and we dont know why RIP. I have a rabbit and two dogs, they are a chihuahua and miniature pincer. I think I want a chinchilla, but dont know the cost. can you find the regular cost of a chinchilla or give me other ideas on what to get. I WANT A RODENT, no mice rats or guinea pigs though. because i cant have them. DANKE!




  1. actually i was just at petsmart yesterday... and the cost of shins are around 147$ that is in american dollars but they are cheap on food and bedding you should get one!

    they are kind of mean thought my boyfriend feed one to his dogs because it was so mean

  2. I love gerbils.  They are really kewl.  They are very easy to take care of and very social so you can and should keep more than one.  Hamsters are great too but can be temperamental.  I love my Chinchilla.   However, the set up cost is very expensive.  It cost me over $300.  On the plus side it is worth it because they can live 10-15 years.  Chinchillas cost $150-$200.  Plus you have to get the cage which is almost another $100.  Chinchilla are high jumpers so they need a cage with at least two levels.  Plus all their food, hay, and cage accessories.

  3. I have had a chinchilla and absolutely loved it for a pet...they do take a lot of care tho....they do not adapt well to change.......of any kind...they don't travel well.........stress fairly easily...but they are very cute pets and the bonus is they live for a long time...if I remember right it's life span is 10 years or more.......

    It is so cute watching them clean themselves...which is another thing...they have to have sand the pet store you will find the sand to give them their baths...but they make a LOT of mess with that so you might want to get them some sort of bowl or ball with an opening so it contains some of the sand as they roll around and throw it all over

    and they need a BIG cage..with lots of things in it to jump on...the people at the pet store will be better able to tell you all the things you need to keep your chinchilla happy...

    all in all tho...they make great pets......and you can always buy a book about chinchilla's to learn about your new pet

    as for price..they can range from about 100 -200 depending on the color of their fur etc...........unless you get lucky and catch one on sale like I did and pay 60 bucks

  4. How about a ferret??  If you make sure you get them "fixed" (meaning getting the scent "sac" out of them--They are related to skunks), but are VERY playful, live a pretty long life, and are loving and friendly with other animals.  I like MY ferret.  They are fun.  I even take MINE to the park, and walk him.

  5. Syrain hamsters cost $5-$20.Dwarf hamsters reach 2-3 inches and they cost $3-$14.Chinchilas cost about $120 at a local pet store.

  6. You can get a big rabbit, some rabbits can get huge, but get a rabbit they are nice some slow and fur really soft. my friends can do a back flip (don't put presser on a rabbit to do this). I have 3 pet rats have had 3 hamsters, 2 guinea pigs, and a few other animals ( fish, cat, dog, birds, etc.)

  7. gerbels I have six and they are ultra easy to take care of in my opinion!! they are really cute look them up.

  8. i have two gerbils named kali and sophie and they are the best! so fun and social and clean.  hamsters can be really mean and your more likely to get a mean one rather than a nice one.

  9. My sister was given two degus once.  They were pretty good and cooler than a hamster or guinea pig.  I have seen them at specialty pet stores and I think they cost about as much as a rabbit would.  They are the size of guinea pigs but look totally different- have buck teeth and a leathery tail.  You should look for one of those.  She had a rabbit at the same time too and they got a long just fine.

  10. I have a dwarf hamster. but then again they look like a mouse but there not just a smaller size hamster. very easy to take care of. chinchilla prob cost around $30-$40

  11. i have a gerbil. they are like a a bigger mice but cuteness of a hamster!!! the are really nice

  12. a chinchilla! i have one and she is a ball of joy and pretty easy to manage. here is a picture to persuade you to get one:

    if this doesnt make your heart melt i dont know what will. here is a link of my chinchilla and some info on her:

  13. i'd say get a hamster. they are so cute! and the dwarf hamsters are very small...yet there are larger breeds such as teddy bear hamsters.

  14. I would recommend a chinchilla, they are awesome pets. They cost $50-$200 depending on where you get them. I also found one at that was $300, but the price included his cage. It all depends on the seller. I would definitally adopt, and be sure that you have the time and resources for the animal.

    Otherwise the only rodent you left out was gerbils. So they can make good pets if they are properly socialized.

    Make sure you are able to provide for whatever pet you get. You need to make a forever home for them. Giving them up down the line because parents don't approve is not fair for the animal.

  15. a hamster is a rodent........

    sugar gliders are cool but theyre marsupials
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