
New puppy problems.need help?

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my brother gave me a puppy that he couldnt deal with house training?shes a black lab?now i got a couple of problems with her<shes only been with me for about two days,shes very shy and scared very timid.i know shes probably scared and worried about where shes at etc.shes not eating properly and kinda skinny for being a pup.i cant seem to get her to do anything out side.she will eat a little i take her for a walk she still wont do any thing.i have a cage for her and she will go in her cage and go really really bad?last nite i got home had to take her a bath wash out cage etc,i figured may be cage is to big for her to much space for her i put divider make it smaller for her,she did her p**p out side thats great but she has the runs,and over nite she pooped again in her cage and threw up her doog food?im thinkin to change her food?what can i do




  1. You did the right thing by putting the divider in her crate because dogs normally won&#039;t go where they sleep.  But if she&#039;s got the runs, she can&#039;t help it.  You&#039;ve first got to solve that problem.  If you change her food, you&#039;re going to make her problem worse because changing food is one of the major causes of diarrhea.  You should be feeding her whatever her brother was feeding her, then if you want to change her food to something better, you need to make the switch very gradual.

    To help her diarrhea, give her some canned pumpkin - not pie filling, just plain pumpkin.  Make sure she&#039;s drinking plenty of water and don&#039;t feed her anything for about 12 hours.  Then you can offer her some boiled white rice with either lean hamburger or chicken.  That&#039;s a meal that&#039;s very easy to digest and will help her clear up the diarrhea.

    She should also have a stool sample taken to the vet to find out if she has worms and needs to be de-wormed.  She likely needs a health check anyway.

    When she&#039;s healthy, you can work on her temperament issues.  If she&#039;s up to date on her shots and old enough, enroll her in puppy classes so she can be socialized and get in a bit of training.  For now, work with her at home with lots and lots of praise and some treats - she needs self-confidence so lots of positive reinforcement.

    Housetraining isn&#039;t difficult - keep her in the room with you all the time and go out with her often.  Tell her &quot;go pee&quot;, give her a ton of praise the split second she pees, then come right back in.  Be very, very consistent and she&#039;ll be houestrained quickly.  You need to put her in her crate when you can&#039;t watch her and at night.

  2. A:she is scared she needs time to get to know you

    B:put her on expensive dog food like royal cannine

  3. how old was she when you got her any younger and shes to young. please email me at

  4. That is really good of you to adopt her from your brother. Here are some things I would try:

    1. Take her to the vet with a stool sample. You just want to make sure that the diarrhea is not a symptom of something else.

    2. Switch her to a bland diet - white rice and boiled chicken worked out well for my dogs when they had food allergies. Feed her the bland diet until her diarrhea stops, then you can slowly reinroduce in kibble. I would give her grain-free kibble. This site has more on what you should look for:

    Potty training will be much easier once you have the diarrhea under control. Just take her out often, and praise her for doing it outside. When you are not home, I would put out some puppy pads so she can go on that. Similarly praise her for going on the puppy pads. Ultimately, when she gets older and doesn&#039;t have to potty as often, you can phase out the pads.

    3. For her fear, I would keep everything low key. Don&#039;t force too much attention on her. Instead, get her to trust you through the use of food (microwave sausage works well). From a distance, toss a piece to her, when she eats it, praise her in a soft tone, then just keep repeating. Once she is more comfortable with you, you can reduce the distance. If she starts moving towards you, make sure to praise her and toss her a bunch of the sausage. Once she grows accustomed to you, you can start to desensitize her towards other things.

    Of course only use the sausage after you have solved the disgestive issues.

    4. Obedience training. Get some private lessons or get a good positive reinforcement training book (other end of the leash is pretty good) and do short obedience sessions with her every day. Keep them short, fun, and positive. This will build her confidence and improve your bond with her.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!  

  5. You might want to consider bringing the puppy to the vet.  Also try to give the puppy as much attention as possible.  Bring her everywhere with you and she might stop being so timid.  You are right about the cage, it is probably too big for her.  The whole point of crate training is to make it a happy place for them to go.  Never treat it like a punishment.  I found that whenever I brought my lab to the crate I gave her a cookie.  She started to expect it and it became a behavior.  Good Luck!

  6. You should take her to the vet immediately! She mite have digestive problems.Maybe she`s no feeling well.Maybe thats why she is acting that way.Labs are very active and greety dogs so she should want to eat unless she has a problem.Take her temp.

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