
New roommate?

by Guest61983  |  earlier

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I will be going away to college in the Fall, and I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to get my roommate a small yet thoughtful gift to give them when we first meet, so I can show that I am generous and so we can start off on a positive note. Do you think it would be a good idea. If you went away to college and your new roommate bought you a present, how would you react?




  1. I think this is a great idea but don't go over the top just something little like some chocolates or something.

  2. thats a great idea! my first year of college i had a random roommate and i got her a little gift and she actually got me one too. it made it a lot less awkward and started good conversation and we are still good friends!

  3. It would depend on how she gave it to me. If she said "here, this is for you" i'd kind of be creeped out. However if she explained that she wants us to be friends and etc i'd warm up to it. I think however i would feel slightly uncomfortable if i hadn't given her anything.

    That's really sweet though!!Good luck!! Tc :)

  4. that sounds really nice. i'm sure she'd apreciate it a lot i know i would

  5. I would think it very nice.. I would give something as a symbol.. it doesn't matter what you give.. the gesture counts.. if it's a female you have plenty of ideas.. most females like similar things..Maybe something she can use...a nice bookmark not made of paper... or some really nice writing paper with matching envelopes.. is always useful.. or some potpourri and a small dish to put it in.. all that would be things i would appreciate.. that is a great idea..  and I do hope you get along well... you deserve a nice roomate.. as you seem to be a very considerate person. it must be hard to be on bad terms with you... x*x LOL and  I know you find a good way of handing her the gift.. such as saying.. "this is just a small gift as a gesture of welcome as my roomate. I hope you like it''

  6. I would say don't do it because if she hasn't gotten you anything, right from the start she'll feel bad.  Plus you have no idea what her likes of dislikes are, what things she might already have, what her taste is.  Actually, all of nephews and nieces that have gone off to college these past couple of years have all gotten in touch with their future roommates to discuss what each is bringing--tv, music players, things to cook on, etc.--they sort that out so everyone doesn't bring the same things since usually rooms are small.  If you really want to do something, bring a bunch of flowers you can put on both her desk and some on yours, maybe a batch of homemade cookies all your new friends can eat so it doesn't look like a bribe.
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