
New to catfish???help pls

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I am normally a bass fishermen, ive caught a few cats by accident, but I am new to it so i was asking if ppl could tell me on how to fish for them, where(at a river), how to tell if there biting, i pritty much kno to use chicken liver for bait, and any other tips





  1. Your best bet for bait would be chicken liver or stink bait. but make sure not sure to get finned by their fins. Mostly you would find them in channels (a deep canal underwater)

  2. To tell you the truth its all about patience. I use hot dogs and bread. Just cast anywhere not too far from the shore and let it sink to the bottom, leave your bail open and let them take the bait. After waiting close the bail and check if there is anything pulling. Then it's a pretty easy fight unless it is a big fish. Probably nothing to a bass fisherman. Good luck.

  3. chicken liver is good and sometimes hard to keep on when casting, i try to keep might half frozen and it stays on better but i also use old pantyhose to keep it on also . i also use shad and dead bluegill heads.river currents are pretty swift it is hard to keep bait on sometimes.

  4. I dont know and I dont wanna know.  Im the same way man, Im a bass fisherman and I only catch cats on accidnet.  I know you can buy that stink bait c**p that is suppose to work pretty well.  I would say fish off the bottom in a creek and use cut bait.  why the h**l do you wanna catch those b******s anyway.  Those are c**p fish.

  5. Fishing for cats can be hard on your gear. I just busted up an 10 lb reel fishin' for cats and catching huge softshell turtles instead.

    Channel cats are pretty noctournal and sensitive to light. Dusk to dawn are the better hours to fish'em.

    They spin when caught. So I use a sliding sinker rig with a swivel. Although a three way swivel rig works pretty good.

    Baits: Liver, Various dough balls, Hotdogs, Cut bait, Worms, Minnows Crickets, Sardines, Cheese, Soap (I've never tried soap (Plain bar of Dial soap), but I heard that turtles don't like it, but catfish do.) The next time I go to the store, I'm gonna pick up a bar and give it a shot.

    But, if the cats ain't there, none of it will make a bit of difference.

    Oh yeah... Chumming helps.

    I found an article that might be of some help. It's quite a read.

  6. Chicken liver is the key to catfish. Nightcrawlers also work well.

    Use as small of a hook as you can get away with for catfish, but nothing too small. about a number 4 eagle claw hook will work, not bass hook. Tie a hook on your line and put a split shot weight about a foot above it. Cast as far as you can from the bank without throwing the bait off. Then the final step is patience. You can sit out some days and catch your limit, then the very next day just get a couple bites. That's the way it works for me at least. Bring some magazines or a book to read and you should have plenty of fun. Good luck.

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