
Newborn receding hairline????

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i have a 1 month old who seems to have what looks like a receding hairline....the top of her head has only very fine sparse looking short hairs growing on it while the sides and base of her head have a very nice 1 inch auburn colour and this part seems this normal??? her hair looks like an old mans head of hair...i have heard newborn hair falls out in patches yadda yadda BUT ...does it fall out on JUST the top of the head??? or does it fall out in different stages? i am just a bit confused as to why the part that seems sparse almost bald is so,.... well, .....sparse lol




  1. Evolution???  We're getting balder and balder.  In future generations we'll probably be born with no hair at all.

  2. that's normal.. i slowly lost my hair, then i was bald till i was 2... so I'm told anyway..

  3. Sounds like my baby!! she is 2 months and her haed looks like a little old man!! It is too funny..don't worry it will grow back..that is just baby hair they are losing.

  4. my son had the same thing.. i couldn't find any answers though.. i even asked the doctor.. they said they saw new growth and they didn't think it was anything finally started growing back by the time he was 12 weeks old about 1 month later he was rolling and started losing the sides so it all started evening out! now hes trying to crawl and rubs the topp of his head and it looks like hes losing it again!  so i would take her to the doctor just to rule out anything.. other wise it will come back her a hat for now ..thats what we did!

  5. all babies lose their "baby hair" daughter lost hers and she was bald until she was 2 1/ she has so much hair i dont know what to do with it!

  6. Yes, it's normal. My baby lost a lot of her hair, now it's growing back.

  7. Its totally normal! It can look strange at times, but yes they will lose some of the hair in patches, other areas it may be growing in son is loosing the hair on the top of his head, but its growing in at the same time, so hes got really short light hair on the top, with some areas having longer darker hair that goes over the new short hair (he was born with dark hair). Also hes got some balder patches on the sides and back~  

  8. Its not a receding hairline. It will start by one and really show by two

  9. don't panick! it sounds completely normal! if she is completely healthy, then she will be fine! sounds like an adorable baby, you know, with the auburn hair!! hope i helped!

  10. It looks like it is receding because her head is getting bigger and the hair line is pushed back. Little hairs will grow in a new hair line.  My daughter is now 4.5 months and all of her original baby hair is nearly gone, it rubs off in bed and falls out throughout the day - totally normal.  She does still have the hair at the base of the head like you explained.  They lose all of their newborn hair and grow new hair - it usually isn't the same color either.  My daughter had strawberry blond hair and now it is coming in dark like mom and dad.

  11. All newborns lose their hair. Exactly how it falls out depends on the individual. Your baby's new hair will start to grow soon and she will have a more regular crop of hair again.

  12. "does it fall out on JUST the top of the head???"

    My daughter's did. It started to grow back when she was about two months, and now she has almost a full head of hair. It's normal, and don't worry...eventually it will grow back in. Good luck.

  13. Very normal.  My one month old son, who was born with a full head of hair, now has a mohawk... poor guy!  He has lighter hair already starting to come in, but it's hard to notice with the black birth hair he still has.

  14. it sounds like baby hair! my daughter is 18 months old and it was not until she got to about 6 months that she once again had the same amount of hair she was born with. The baby hair just falls out and is eventually replaced by proper hair. My daughter got a massive bald patch on the back of her head from lying down and throwing her head from left to right because she thought it was funny to do whenever anyone looked at her.

    I wouldn't worry about it because she will probably loose almost all of the hair over the next year and it will be replaced by hair that is found on your head or mine.

  15. don't worry it's normal her hair will grow back.

  16. Some babies loose their hair and other don't.  What you are describing very well may be genetic.  When my oldest son was born, he had his daddy's hairline (and hair "cut"... it was too funny!).  I don't notice it as much now though, he's 3 1/2.  

    (Neither of my boys lost any of their hair.)

  17. I know that a lot of babies lose their hair in patches (like if a baby is always lying on her back - then she ends up rubbing the hair on the back of her head off after a while) but you could always check with your pediatrician if you are concerned - or ask on a parenting forum


  18. Hi,  I thought that my son was the only one to have this problem!!!  He is now 6 weeks n 2 days old.  It happened about 3 weeks ago.  He was born with long even hair all over his head and then 3 weeks ago all the hair just on top of his head fell out overnight it seemed.  His hair is slowly growing back but I have never seen a baby before that just lost hair completely just from the top of their head.  Its quite embarassing to be honest, we have to put a hat on him when we take him out;-0)  I originally thought that it was something that I did or put in his bath.  I have had two other children before and never had this problem with them.  I have done quite a bit of research as to what the cause could be but have not found anything helpful.  Good luck n know that ur not alone!!!  Cheers

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