
Newcastle Earthquake 1989?

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What were the social, environmental and economic impacts of this disaster?

What groups and organizations responded to the earthquake?




  1. omg i've been there/lived near newy!!! why do you wana know???

  2. The 1989 Newcastle earthquake was a magnitude 5.6 earthquake that occurred in Newcastle, New South Wales on Thursday 28 December 1989, at 10:27 am. It was one of Australia's most serious natural disasters, killing 13 people and injuring more than 160, and the damage bill has been estimated at A$4 billion (including an insured loss of about A$1 billion). The Newcastle earthquake was the first Australian earthquake in recorded history to claim human lives.

    The effects were felt over an area of around 200,000 square kilometres in the state of New South Wales, with isolated reports of movement in areas up to 800 km from Newcastle. Damage to buildings and facilities was reported over an area of 9000 square kilometres.

    The highest death toll and damage occurred at the Newcastle Workers Club, where the floor collapsed and nine people were killed and many more trapped beneath rubble. Another three people were crushed to death under collapsed awnings on Beaumont Street, Hamilton, an inner-city suburb of Newcastle. Following the death of a woman in Broadmeadow from earthquake-related shock, the final death toll was raised to 13.

    The earthquake caused damage to over 35,000 homes, 147 schools, and 3,000 commercial and/or other buildings, with significant damage caused to 10,000 homes (damage worth over A$1000) and 42 schools (structural damage), within the immediate Newcastle area.

    The number of people in the city on the day of the earthquake was lower than usual, due to a strike by local bus drivers. The earthquake struck in the middle of an interview by local television station NBN with a union representative.

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