
Next generation.?

by  |  earlier

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Should there be a worry for this generation coming up right now?

As in for prices of food, fuel, interest rates, water everything.

And environment.




  1. Yes there better be

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    The hand writing is on the wall in big black letters

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    We are using up all the crude oil we have and there is only so much and when it is gone it is gone for good

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    And we think things are expensive today wait 3 years to see what things cost

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    And the job market will almost disapear because of it the cost of living and no one can afford to buy anything which puts 100's of thousand of people out of work weekly

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    Yes it sound like gloom and doom but the facts are there just look at them

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    The cost of oil is doubling every 18 months that means by this time next year crude oil will cost almost $220 a barrel

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    And the world wide depression will be unstoppable

    When it hits this price and it will continue to rise in price

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    The next generation has to worry of world wide safety and will there be any jobs to have and will the governments still be solvent or gone

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    And in 40 years what will planet earth be like do you think

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    Like it was back in the 1700 yes 1700 cars that are rusting on the side of roadways

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    City blocks of empty homes empty stores empty schools dark hospitals

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    And the smell of death is every ware mankind has reverted back to the prime instinct survival of the fittest

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    This will be in full force in 50 years

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  2. I believe so.  Things are ridiculous right now.  And it's only going to get worse.  I'm so glad that my kids are survivors!  We've never had alot, so they are not spoiled.  And they can survive I believe.  Like with growing their own food and hunting for meat.  Just the other day, my 17 year old son was behind a car that hit a deer.  He stopped to make sure the guy was ok and ask if he was going to keep the deer.  He said no, so, he got permission from the police to bring it home.  It's all cleaned and my freezer has lots of meat.  (Well, we did take some to get processed into summer sausage and jerky)  How many kids do you know that would do that!  Some people are so grossed out by it being a deer.  What is the difference between that and cows or pigs!  It's a healthier meat too!  He also hunts for other game.  And we have a garden every year.  Not a huge one, just small, but they have still learned how to grow food.  But yeah, with the price of food and just literally everything, it's bad.  People are not going to be able to make it like this for years.  That's when these other skills are going to come into play big time.  

    (On a different note of the same matter........we are also we believe this is also the beginning of the end.  It could take years, or not.  No one knows.)

  3. Yes, definitely! We need to start conserving our resources, but other than that, the government needs to kick it into high gear with researching for alternatives to what we depend on so badly now, like oil and foods.

  4. the only thing you need do at this time is to know is not late to repent accept Jesus Christ as lord and Saviour confess your sin to him believe in him alone and be born again to inherit the kingdom of God which is at hand now and be save... there is nothing you can do more about this to save the earth for it is written, and all these are part of the prove of the END TIME...
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