
Next year.........?

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next year, i want to join the cross country team since i'm fast, but in the summer, ihave a gym membership so what excersizes should i do to make me have a lot of stamina and endurance? so what excersizes shuld i do and should i do weight lifting, like the leg curl and leg machines, so my legs will get stronger?




  1. you dont need a gym..all you need is your feet and somewhere to run

  2. Swimming is good, no contact, lots and lots of laps. Very good for legs and endurance. Should get out of the pool as exhausted as you are when you finish a good hard run. Other than that, all cardio and aerobics are good to make your heart really strong and your air efficiency better. Obviously, these things can be done with runs too. It's good to run with friends if you make any at the gym too.

  3. dude w is retarded but he is right
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