
Nice campgrounds by Mount Wilson?

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Does anybody know of any good campgrounds in the San Gabriel mountains, preferably near Mt. Wilson? By "good" campground I mean with lots of trees & shade, maybe some water near by, not too far to hike/drive to from the main road (I'm not lazy, but some of my friends may be), no man-eating bears or mysterious disappearances of young, hot campers, etc, etc......

We'll be camping around the first week or two of September, so weather isn't a concern.

Thanks! :)




  1. I agree the San Gabriels ain't the Sierras but there were plenty of trees up there last time I checked.  The streams will be nearly to completely dry in Sept, especially in a dry year like this one.  Here's the info on the campsites:  

  2. What your describing can be found in Wisconsin, or in the Sierras, but NOT in the San Gabriels. The treeline starts around 4500 feet, and the trees are rather sparse in the San Gabriels, mainly because the altitude is not high enough, and the climate is still basically high desert.

    If you want those trees, and a little bit of water, your best bet is Big Bear. Try Serrano Campground.

    As for "man-eating bears", I suggest you stop watching cartoons for your nature education. There just aren't any bloodthirsty bears out there, lurking and waiting for fresh human flesh. And I would also have to admonish you to stop watching those Friday the 13th movies as well. There aren't any disappearances of young or old people.

    OK, there are bears in the mountains. But remember, you are invading THEIR territory, and a certain amount of caution and respect is due. Don't keep food in your tent, lest it attract a hungry bear. However, bear encounters are quite rare. The last one I heard about was over a decade ago.

    Have fun, be safe.

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