
Nicest Place in Italy?

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Hi, Just wanted to know peoples opinions on the nicest place in Italy to visit / live / come from....?




  1. Naples or Rome... (Milan is too gray)

    I'm Neapolitan and I love my city.  

    Rome is beautiful, but it doesn't have the sea.

    Sorry for my bad english.

  2. Abruzzo,well Teramo, we are 75 minutes from rome but we live to the east,adraitic side of the Appenines, we have the beach, and we have the mountains,the highest mountain in the peninsula, great food, a very rural feel.

    teramo the city, calm,  friendly and not over developed..

    the countryside, clean, one of the few areas of italy which doesnt seem to have a massive amount of rubbish thrown on the side of roads,

    dogs, teramo the city has a system in place where random dogs are adopted by the neighbourhood, fed and watered, picked up each year for a medical check, and the laws against hitting them are applied.. being kind to animals is a mark of a civilised area to my mind

    lowest crime rate in europe, statistic sometimes argued with the province of Ascoli, but Teramo apart from the coastal area is very safe in that respect...

    plenty to look at,castelli pottery,fortress at civitella, the mountains, the hills, bits and pieces of roman history

    good schools, university...  could go on but you will already be getting bored...and besides we all feel we live in the best place

  3. ROME.

  4. Florence - town

    Portofino - sea side

  5. My city, Brescia, with its lake, Garda.

  6. My friend was born in Rome and lived in Milan. He says Rome is the best place for its history and beautiful scenery. So you can choose to live in or visit Rome or Milan. Good Luck!

  7. South of Naples, the coatlines from Sorrento to Positano are just breathtaking.  We just came back and I was just so suprised that the coastlines were more impressive than any picture postcard I've seen.

  8. Rome and Venice

  9. Siena.  A beautiful, fairly quiet town except in the daytime rush of summer.  Close to many things, but also isolated enough that you can avoid big crowds and long lines.  The views around are spectacular as well.  A great home base for a Tuscan holiday.

  10. I live in perugia, between rome and florence . If you want to know more about my town and my region go to read my blogs (in english language) that i write to show to all the world why my country is considered one of the best place in the world where to live. and

  11. You must visit the Italian Rivera, Riomagggiore is my favorite in absolute! Capri is also nice. These are nice areas that are great alternatives to the large touristic classical tours.

    For more on Riomaggiore

  12. This is an answer from someone who's lived in Italy mos of his life.

    PORTOFINO is cool, if you really love the seaside

    ROMA if you've always been interested in archeology, and if you really wanna see why we say that Rome wasn't built in a day.

    VERONA if you're the romantic type, the homeland of Romeo and Juliette will be ok 4 u then.

    MILANO if you're the fashion type: you can buy everything there, and you don't really have to pay that much.

    BRESCIA if you're the cool type, who likes to be somewhere new and nice in the middle of fresh cool breeze and alps view, a good vista near lake Garda (but if you really wanna see the biggest lake in Italy, DESENZANO is the best for you, there are a lot of German people going there for their holidays, everyday of the year!| They love it, you'll love it too, no wonder why many Germans have settled down there!)

    NAPOLI if you're the pizza type (forget the "type", just focus on the PIZZA!), good food and friendly people, many spectacles, and you'll really see the Italian love there.

    They say the south is more friendly and the north is more commercial (if you wanna go back home with loads of souvenirs without losing all the money in your credit cards). But you gotta check it 4 yourself! Enjoy your holidays!

  13. Once the summer season is over I love Venice.  I know a lot of the locals now, so am treated slightly different.  

    Where ever you go, get to know a few locals.  The rewards are worth it.
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