
Night Time Clouds?????

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My wife and I are constantly argueing about this. Is there a such thing as "night time clouds". I say no, she says yes. Please help.




  1. Yes, there are clouds that form specifically at night.  When the temperature reaches the dewpoint (an occurence which happens at night), moisture in the atmosphere condenses and forms clouds.  These clouds, if not associated with a storm system, burn off before noon.

    You are completely right.

  2. Yes there is. They are called noctilucent clouds. They are clouds of dust and fine particles in the atmosphere which bond with water molocules to from "dirty clouds" very high up, sometimes as much as 90 kilometers in the air, in the mesosphere and ionosphere. Because of the extreme altitude, they still have sunlight long after night time, sometimes glowing 4-5 hours after sunset. And if you were refering to"fluffy white clouds"...well duh of course they exist, however I doubt you meant that. Yeah google Noctilucent clouds, there are some great pictures of them. I've seem a few myself. They are getting more common as fine molocules from industry and cars fly into the atmosphere and replace "space dust", so you should expect to see many around the city or a manufactuing center. Also the guy below me is also right, dew and condensation should technically form a cloud, however in most situations there wouldn't be enough water to cause this.

  3. Night time clouds?  Clouds are not solely a result of sunlight.  Night time Clouds are common in the Arctic.
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