
Nikon D300. A good buy?

by Guest60011  |  earlier

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I'm probably buying the nikon d300 tomorrow. I've read reviews and it seems like a good camera, but i just wanted some more personal views on the camera, and to be told about any design faults, or problems with it before i go and buy it.

also, what lenses would you recommend for general use with this model?

thankyou. xx




  1. HI Robin.  You Go!!!!    You really don't see a great many questions about the D300 probably because of the price... and most people are out to buy the handy point and shoots.   No doubt you are going to love the D300.   Every thing about it!!  If there are design flaws,  they would be ever so slight that you will not be noticing them.   When you decide on the lenses,  choose wisely  - and don't skimp here.  Buy those that will work for what you are going to need.   It would be ashame to put a lesser qualilty lens on such a great camera...  so buy a couple of GOOD ones.   I, personally, like the 18-200mm for all -round shooting as it keeps me from pulling lenses on and off.  I also know that continuous lens changing allows for outside particles to enter the camera chamber and causing those awful spots all over my images.

    I have a nice set of lenses, though...  of which I enjoy the 80-200mm 2.8 and two of the Macros, which are my daughter's favorite.   If you have been shooting long... only you best knows what will suit you... just get the finest quality lenses you can afford.  You will have to come back on and let people know how you like your new camera.   Good for You and congrats!!   Thanks for reading.

  2. Certainly, the camera is a 'good' buy, after all, it's a semi-professional camera, how can you not be satisfied?

    I Mean..

    a) A Three Inch Screen

    b) Twelve Megapixels

    c) The All-Important Professional Look

    d) Can Autofocus Alot Of Lenses.

    e) And Much More.

    The nikon d300 is a perfect camera, you really couldn't get better ( for the price ), i think it'll be the perfect camera to jump start your career, but you might want to make sure it end up in good hands, i mean , you wouldn't want to waste 2,000$ right? I know i wouldn't.


    Nikkor 50mm f/1.8                                            $ 117

    Portrait Lens, The Best For Portraits.

    Nikkor 70-300mm Lens                                   $ A ( 140$ )

    Great Telephoto Lens. For Zooming.

    Those are two great lenses you should get, and the price isn't bad at all, but neither of them feature Nikon's VR ( vibration reduction ), if you want one with that, you're going to have to pay more money, but if you're spending 2000$, it wouldn't hurt right?


    nathan grammatico.

  3. I recently bought a Nikon d300 after using the Nikon d100 for the last 4 years and I can tell you the d300 is a joy to use. The biggest improvement is the ability to capture images at low light and high ISO. The images are very good compared to my previous Nikon DSLR. The 3 inch screen is actually useful for focus checking and image quality check. The 5 focus points are quick and responsive even in vertical position.

    For lenses, I suggest get any of the VR lenses. I have the 18-200 VR and I do not have to change lens for pretty much anything I have to shoot, even weddings.

    If you want to save money, you can get the 18-55vr and a 55-200 vr. You can  get single focal lens like 50mm or 85mm later if you do a lot of macro, portrait or low aperture photos.

    The D300 is a great camera.

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