
Nintendo conspiracies? ?

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Was Nintendo trying to catch Wii modders with its freeware updates?

And was Nintendo trying to be funny when it came to making a wii console that was not initially compatible with dual-layer discs like Brawl?

And why is the Brawl online often laggy? Strange how Mario Kart Wii's online play runs perfectly, yet Brawl struggles to do it consistantly!

And why wasn't another third-party character along with Sonic and Snake for Brawl included as promised?




  1. whatever who cares.  

  2. Why is the wii still sold out when its been on the market for 2 years?

  3. Ocarina of Time is the true conspiracy to get us to hate Islam the Evil Gerudos wear Muslim clothes and had the Muslim sign. Fire Temple (h**l) had Islamic music and Link (the good guy) is clearly compared to Moses given away by his parents who couldn't take care of him as they knew he would someday save their people. Jews and Muslims hate each so by the good guy being compared to a Jew does that not say something.

    Also Brawl is slower due to better graphics.

    Pit was the third one.

  4. don't forget to ask why its not a DVD player like they said for 109302193 years.

    "the reason why we used DVDs to compare the size of the Wii is it will be able to play DVDs."


  5. because they thought, if they did, then you wouldn't ask this question, so they didn't so you could ask.  

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