
No joking...dream interpretation?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream last night that involved a really creepy boyfriend, New York City, and driving an old high school friend (male) to and from NY in a big rig. Anyone got an idea what the heck that could mean??




  1. New York, I want to go there.

  2. It would help to have a few more details, but it seems like you are in a relationship transition period right now. Meaning you are trying to resolve issues about your friends within yourself, and it's a bigger job than you realized. New York City is a big place with a lot of choices for places to go, and more than a few million people as potential friends. Driving your old male friend to and from the city in the big rig means that this going through your relationship transition is just a plain big job, much much bigger than you realized, and you are finding out it's going to take much more than a few simple solutions to resolve. The creepy boyfriend shows up as a composite of all your fears about these relationship transitions.

    I'd offer advice on what to do, but with these transitions so big, I will only say to have the patience and give yourself time to let the situations you are in play out without trying to hurry them up. Driving the truck instead of flying in a faster plane means you need to take the time and give these situations time to resolve in reasonable ways. Trying to hurry things up may ruin things.

  3. I had that same dream but i am a boy and my girl friend tried to rape me.

  4. Sounds like your leaving a bad relationship that had good s*x (the big rig). You miss the s*x, hate the guy and feel guilty.

  5. Cars usually represent the direction your life is taking in dreams.

    Without any more details its hard to say

  6. Here's a dream dictionary.

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