
No more pizza delivery?

by  |  earlier

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I heard a rumor that after the new year, there will be no more pizza delivery available. Is this true? And if it is true. does it only go for pizza or will it be for others like chinese and etc.? I heard it was because of the high gas prices.




  1. This will never happen.  Of course, they may individually decide to add a fee for delivery to make up for the gas costs.  In our area, the delivery guys use their own cars, and I don't know if they get reimbursed for their gas.  I am always careful to tip as much as I would save on gas/time/trouble to have gone to pick it up myself.  We will have to start paying extra for that privilege from now on.

  2. I could see delivery ending because of gas prices, but it would be too bad for business.  I would think their income is enough to compensate for gas at least for now.  An increased delivery charge is probably the most that would happen.

  3. No that is just a rumor.  No truth to it.

  4. I cannot imagine that happening.  They will just increase the charges for delivery to compensate for the increase in the gas.

  5. That will never happen. We'll be paying more for the delivery charge because they are going to have to pay the drivers more. The drivers need it because of gas prices.

  6. It wouldn't surprise me. I deliver pizza part time and it is nearly impossible for me to turn a profit. People don't tip the drivers enough to even cover their gas and lots of people don't tip at all. I have seen alot of people on here say that drivers don't pay for their own gas. I have always had to pay for my own gas. Pizza stores can't afford to give a driver $4 in gas to deliver a $10 pizza. I calculated one time that I spend an average of $2-3 per delivery on gas. So if the customer tips me less than $2 then I actually lose money. I only make $6 an hour so I can't afford to lose money.

    The only way that I can see pizza delivery happening in the future is for the store to include a mandatory tip for the driver in the bill. The problem is that most pizza companies have already implemented a delivery fee. People think this delivery fee goes to the driver, but in most cases the driver doesn't get any of it.

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