
No offence but?

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Why do people always ask for tips and tricks on potty training boys? You never see the same q's about girls! It makes boys seem like they're dumb or difficult! I think people give boys too much leeway....they are capable of the same things as girls!




  1. Typically people have a harder time training boys than training girls. I worked in childcare for 8 years and trust me, boys usually ARE more difficult. Of course there are people who didn't have any problems training their boys and people who thought they'd never get their girls trained but it's not as common. As to why the boys seem to have a harder time- I haven't got a clue.

  2. Two reasons why people ask...

    1) No one has mentioned the fact that a lot of people who ask for special tips and tricks for boys are moms who fear that there MUST be something DIFFERENT about training a boy than a girl that they do not know.  A lot of the questions imply insecurity about teaching a boy to aim.  I guess this is a natural concern.  For the record, I don't think there is anything different about training a girl or a boy.  I never had "target" practice with my son (I guess he missed out on the cheerios right of passage).  I trained him sitting down and he now pees standing up.  He figured it out all by himself (what a silly grin he had the first time...)

    2)  The reason that MOST people think girls are easier to train is probably linked to motivation.  Most people try to motivate their child to train with extrinsic rewards (stickers, candy, charts, big girl status, cool undies, potty parties, motivational phone calls, etc.)  If you just ditch diapers and train cold-turkey, the difficulty of training has more to do with the child's physical and mental development than it does with their gender.

  3. I haven't potty trained a boy yet, so I disregard any questions on that because I don't know. I know our girl wasn't difficult at all. I hope our boy isn't too messy! Thats my only having pee on my shower curtain or rug lol. I don't know if they are harder or not, I would imagine they are messier with it though.

  4. As a mother who has potty trained a girl by the age of 20 months, and who is now trying to potty train a 2 1/2 year old boy, there is a difference.   Just out of curiosity, have you ever potty trained a child?

  5. it doesnt really matter if they are capable or not, boys are in general just harder the train than girls. There is something in the female brain that allows them to get the idea down faster than it is for boys. its not that there dumb or anything of the sort, its just nature that girls learn faster.

  6. It is said that its harder to potty train boys then girls.  And some children just dont get the idea down.

  7. I asked a few potty training questions for my girl! lol

    I can't recall seeing any specific boy questions though? But not having a son I also can't say if they're different because of gender or because of the way adults treat them?

    If I did have a son next though I would go about potty training him the same way as I have just done my daughter. It would be interesting to see if he would take to it as she has done! I don't see any reason why not? Just because they pee from a w**y really shouldn't make it more difficult?

    EDIT: Although the lady above me knows more so perhaps there is a difference! :) Maybe, like with maturity, they can't biologically hold it as early as girls?

  8. i have 2 toilet trained boys and im 32 weeks prego  with my 3rd boy

    people ask for tricks with boys because boys are harder to train

    you have to  teach them to sit and stand  to pee and how to know the difference

  9. It is NOT harder to potty train boys than girls and boys ARE just as capable as girls.  You are so right.  It does add to the whole "male bashing" that is so prevalent in our society.

  10. Shocking to me. My daughters were horrible to potty train. LOL They were in diapers until they were 4. Here's why. Every time they would do a number 2- they would look and scream and cry about how disgusting it was and say they weren't going back. Eventually my oldest just got on the potty and started going but with my other daughter , I woke up one day and said, "Whelp! They quit making diapers. so you have to go the bathroom. LOL" she went.

    4 years old.... I'm still shaking my head over that.

  11. You are right boys are capable- however my son was much harder to train than my daughter.   I cannot tell you the reason, but every family that I have talked too says that their girls were easier.

  12. I have potty trained a son and a daughter.

    My son was 'more complicated' to train for the following reasons:

    * To poo he sat, to wee he stood - confusing!

    * He began by sitting to pee at home but once at preschool was expected to 'stand' and use an urinal.

    * He then had to learn to wee standing at home - small boy, toilet rather high - difficulty reaching! (Try weeing stood on tippy toes)

    Sometimes a p***s has a mind of its own and has been known to:

            * Point in the wrong direction (wee on floor/sideof bath etc)

            * Stick to the tummy (wee fountain)

            * Be difficult to get a hold of!

    Girls just have to sit and do it!

    J was trained just before he turned three but E was under two years old.

  13. Pray for the answer to come to you from a higher source.

  14. My boy was actually much easier (and younger) than my girl!

  15. I have two boys and a girl, and I found them all about the same as far as training went.  That said - my daughter was ready to train earlier than my sons.  And she was more interested in starting - she kept asking to use the toilet, while my sons I just decided when they should be trained.   :)

    I think people ask questions more for boys because they do tend to train a bit later, and because all the literature out there (at least that I've seen) warns you they are more difficult.  So the minute there is one little issue, people may panic "oh my god, its because he's a boy!"

    It truly depends on the child on how easy/hard they will be to train.
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