
No pets allowed!! that really sux!?

by  |  earlier

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me and my bf are going to move in together, and i really wanna a kitty!! and he really wants a puppy!!

but we are not allowed, the landlord does not let us.. most of the rental properties dont let anyone have pets, this really upsets me!

imagine if we had a pet already, and then i had to give the pet to somebody else? thats so cruel!!! a pet is part of the family!




  1. It all depends on experiences of the landlords with their tenants. You have to check with those who allow pets to be kept and you should also take care of the property as they want.

  2. Thats decrimination!

  3. I have the same problem - I've lived in rented accommodation for several years now and moved about a bit but every time it's a nightmare to find somewhere that will allow pets.  We dread having to move!  My partner and I each got a dog when we were in our previous relationships.  At the time, we thought our lives were settled and we'd be in our homes for years, so getting a dog seemed reasonable.  Things change though and now we're in the situation of having to find accommodation with our two dogs - which is a struggle.  We've always kept the house clean, tidy and smelling good, in good repair and with no evidence that dogs live there.  We've made sure our dogs behave and aren't noisy or dirty or threatening or anything (and are fortunate to have two wonderfully obedient dogs!).

    We didn't admit to having dogs in the first house we moved into together and if we knew the landlord was coming we took them to my parent's house!  When we moved out we were required, in any case, to have the carpets cleaned and our landlord said the house was in better condition when we left than when we'd arrived!  We came clean at the second place and they allowed the dogs to stay but were a bit dubious at first.  They soon came to realise though that the dogs were fine and actually said that the only evidence they found that we had dogs was a water bowl on the kitchen floor - otherwise they'd never have guessed!  We cleaned the carpets here too - the house was sparkling when we left and they gave us a great reference for our next place, where we are now.  The landlady here though is fine, she has a dog and rents herself so knows how hard it is.  

    We have been really frustrated in the past, as we've seen some perfect rental properties but not even got a look-in when we mention the dogs.  It severely limits the already limited choice and in hindsight, if I'd known how hard it would make things, I wouldn't have got a dog when I did.  I couldn't give her up now though, it'd be like cutting off a limb (!), so we'll have to persevere and hope we continue to be lucky.  We have however been careful to keep references from our previous landlords so that future landlords have proof that they can trust us.  We take pride in our home and wish we didn't get tarred with the same brush as irresponsible people who do trash their landlords houses.

    Oh yes and we've found estate agents who automatically add the 'no pets' clause whether the landlord minds or not!  This is why we didn't admit to having dogs until we'd seen a place and met the landlord, had a chance to talk to them and find out if they really don't allow them or if the estate agent made up their mind for them!

  4. we aren't allowed pets, and I really want a kitten. We have a fish tank though, theoretically they are pets...

    But I suppose, particularly in furnished properties, they don't want pets trashing it, because some scratch things...could be expensive - then again, they should make tennant pay for it...

  5. I let my flat out through an agency and they stipulated no pets, no smokers and no students. This suited me fine as I'm allergic to dogs and cats. I've also seen what students can do to a place!

  6. Just do it!

  7. A landlord has to have "reasonable justification" for not allowing pets in England and Wales, possibly Scotland and Northern Ireland too. This is the result of a court judgement about 10 years ago. However, that dogs make too much noise is usually accepted as "reasonable justification" for not allowing them. But few landlords have come up with a good reason to ban cats. Many landlords will allow cats if you pay a double deposit.

  8. If you want to set the rules you really should suck it up and just buy your own house.

    You can not expect people to allow anything and everything in their properties.

  9. Her house - her rules - live with it

  10. Ahhh but you have to bear in mind after your rental the costs of fumigating the property where people haven't been good with their pets.

  11. I don't let my tenant to have pets in my property either even I have a dog at home.  It doesn't mean I don't like animal but it's all about tenant's behavior.  Not all of them are responsible, everyone wants to have pet will say it's like no smell at all (that's a lie).  You just don't notice the smell cos' you're used to it just like a smoking person won't think he smell cigarette. Plus there might be someone in the building allergic to animals.  Dog may attack, too.  What if it attack a next door girl, they can put the LL to court.  You need to know that being a LL is not easy and has a lot of liability issues in consideration.

  12. I allowed my tenants to have pets and children (a lot don't) to be honest it was very evident that the human adults were the problem! dirty, minging kitchen (full of grease)and bathrooms(just plain filthy)! dogs,cats and kids weren't responsible for that! nor for breaking the en-suite shower tray and toilet, in fact, those particular tenants didn't have kids or pets!

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