
No sure when to hit?

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i usually play middle back & teams usually serve deep. if the the ball comes to me (very strong) about eye height and i'm in back row, should i get it or let it pass? Would i duck down or no?




  1. set it to the setter

  2. If you are in the back row still try to hit it!

    BUT!!!!! If it seems like it going to go out MAKE SURE it is going out of the court b4 you say OUT!!


    hope i helped

  3. The common rule says, "If the ball is over your shoulder, let it go". It applies to front row players, though.

    I can feel you as I played middle blocker and middle back in college. I knew I had been the last line of defense and I was responsible to cover the whole court when in middle back.

    To take a serve, you just need to find a position that is comfortable for you to move two steps backward when taking a serve that would stay "in", and to make the right judgment when the ball IS going out of bound. Do it on a consistent basis for a while and you will get to the point that you know whether the ball is to be in or out. Watch out for some floaters that would fly high and drop in the last second, which is why you should never duck unless one of your teammates calls "out", and the ball is almost hitting your eyes. Always try to "follow" the ball with an action that could dig up the "sudden-drop", by doing side-move to stay out of the way while keep yourself within the range.

    If it is hard to decide whether the ball is going out, and none of your teammates is calling "out", take the serve by hitting the ball with a "triangle" formed by two palms, in front of your forehead. Some leagues would prevent players from receiving a serve with open hand so make sure you keep to hands "locked up" with your thumbs.

    Remember that you are the last line of defense, and you call "I go" or "Mine" when you are sure the serve is deep, and you make your decision whether to hit the ball or let it go out. Never duck... be the "last man standing" :)

  4. It's very difficult to say.  Eye height for you may be different for me (6'1").  If it were fast moving eye height for me I would let it go, knowing it's going out.  But you may not be as tall as me and may not be moving as fast as I think.  Best would be to over hand pass (pass the ball using your hands, very similar to a set).  It never hurts to play a ball you are not sure of.  Also never duck.  If you are sure it is out, "open up".  Meaning as the ball gets to you, move your body to the side and watch it go out of bounds.  That way if you are wrong you can learn from this and know the next time.  The more experience you get the more you will know for sure if balls at your eyes moving fast are going to be in or out.  Just keep playing and learn from every play.

  5. If it's coming at eye height like you said, if you duck down, it will probably hit right before the out line or right on it and still be in. This does depend how you line up though. If you're pretty far back, right before that back line then yea, ducking all the way down and making sure you get ALL the way down so it doesn't hit you would be fine. Just make sure you don't make contact and then make it impossible for anyone else to help you out. But if you have doubts, back up as the ball is coming to you so you can get a feel for where it's going and kind of pick a side to move towards and then you can see if the ball will land out or in and if it's too close, just dive and pop it up. I'm sure your team would rather have you be safe and get it than just letting it drop but you do want to make it as easy as possible on yourself and everyone so just back up and to te side and read where the ball's going.

  6. O.k thats my main position i play! well be prepared for the serve by reading the server. What does that mean? during warm ups look at each server, see how hard they hit it and how far or short they serve. If you don't know how they serve then your going to have to just be low and ready, if you see its going over you DONT set it if it is hard or you may loose a finger..... lol..... o.k but there is a position to put your hands in to get those ones i just dont know how to explain it. ask your coach... but you take your left hand and slip the space between your pointer and thumb and stick it between the same space on your right hand and bend your legs stick your hands up and try and have the ball hit your palms. hope that somewhat made sense! oh and only duck if your team says its going to be out!


    when it comes to you hard, GET LOW, lock your arms, and dont be afraid to dig! unless you no FOR SURE that the ball's gonna be out, dont like duck or call out.

  8. no dont duck down!! wut u gotta do is overhand pass it which is not a settt!!!!

  9. Never duck...i would hit it...but make sure u got your feet set and your body in the right postion to hit a ball like that..or it will end up rollingback...

  10. So you are a libero?  Well, anyways if you are in the backrow, and it's over your head, absolutely don't go for it.  If you are toward the front of the back.  Watch it, and if you decide it's in, pancake roll.  i don't want to take up too much time, so i hope that helps.
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