
No tan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok im a 15 yr old guy and i use my tanning bed like once a week and i cant get any tanner both my parents are tan and my lil sister is tan and never goes in the sun. i use a tingler and bronzer and stay in for 20-25 mins each and never get any tanner. then my tans vanish in about a week why is this?????




  1. Because you are using all fake stuff!

    Say hello to the sun---it will make to tanner, I promise. AND it's free & natural.

  2. Oh my god you have your own tanning bed?

  3. I can't answer your question properly, but I can suggest you just stop trying.

    You are seriously damaging your body. You are also greatly increasing your risk of cancer.

    Go outside, go in the sun, get a little tan, but don't go to tanning beds- they are seriously bad news...

  4. You need to go more than just one day a week.  You should go everyday till you have a tan and then gradually every other and then you can go down to once a week once you've reached your maximum tan.

  5. ew. Do you want to look like a reptile when you're thirty? Try going outside in the sun. Or just give up, some people just don't tan.  

  6. sweetie you are going to get melenoma

    pleaseee dont do this

    how do your parents let you do this?

    wtf do you need to be tan like the rest of your family honestly?

  7. babe, ur s**y u don't need to get tanner...

    but the reason it goes away is becuase your pigments are absorbing it quickly. i don't really have any advice on how to stop that, lol. i don't tan, so idk. :)

  8. boys son't need ot tan. But the reason it disapears so quickly is becuase, youhave so mcuh pigment in your skin it aborbes it so quickly!

  9. If it's any consolation, I think pale skin looks more attractive than tanned skin tones.

    But if you really want a tan, get rid of your tanning bed, use a good sun cream (AT LEAST SPF15) and go out more. You should actually use sun cream anytime you go out, UV rays and shizz.You'll be thanking me later.

  10. don't force the sun on you, your wrecking your body, let alone killing it in a tanning bed. if your not meant for tanned skin then that's just it, however tanning bronzers etc should still work if you re apply them regularly enough.
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