
Nocturnal to daytime person

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I dont know if theres something wrong with me but I seem to have more energy at night then in the daytime.Im awake at noon till around 1 am.Usually watching adult swim.I think I should be awake during the morning since schools starting again soon.Is there a way to change that?I NEED HELP!!!

ps-my mom keeps bitchin bout how loud the tv is at night.




  1. i think im mostly nocturnal i feel like a vampire but im not im a human and i can't sleep at night most of the time and fall asleep in the day sometimes when i do

  2. It is easy. Get up early tomorrow and stay up all day. Forget adult swim and go to bed.  

  3. Ah the old 'nigh-owl' versus lark debate. I will give you the abridged cliff notes, but if you search for the terms below you will find more info on this.

    Our body has an inner clock, the 'circadian rhythm', which regulates the release of an enzyme, 'melatonin', which lets the brain signal our body to close shop, i.e. sleep. The circadian clock is slow to change , once it has decided on a rhythm its going to make you sleepy and awake at certain times against your will. The time it takes for the circadian clock to adjust to a different schedule is approx the time it takes to readjust from jet lag.

    Here's some tips on how you can 'adjust' your circadian clock:

    - Its gets its cues from light exposure, so one way to influence the circadian clock is to make sure that you get enough sunlight exposure during the day.

    - Get fresh air and cardiovascular exercise every day

    - set a firm bedtime and getting-up schedule and maintain it at all times including the weekends.

    - Have at least 2 alarm clocks and put at a place remote from your bed so that you have to get up to switch them off

    - Allow at least 1 hour of no stimulating activities before bedtime, this means that if your bedtime is 10pm, you have to stop watching tv, surfing the net, videogames, etc at 9 pm

    - have a regular eating schedule with at least 3 meals a day at the same time every day.

    - Eat healthy

    - drink lots of water

    - plan at least one fun thing to do in the morning first thing before your day.

    - send me 100$ every month

    If you do all these things, you will be able to improve the quality of your sleep and more importantly become a daytime person. And I will become rich.

  4. When you find out how to cure this little problem, tell me, cause it's a problem for me too

  5. If your not drinking and you stay up that late it's kinda lame, but if you're a vamp, not as lame. If you're mom is whining about the volume of the T.V. an easy solution is to turn it down, or get some soundproof walls and I'm sure she won't mention it again.

  6. It's probably not about having more energy - there are too many distractions!

    It's fun to go on the internet at night, watch TV, watch DVD's.

    The only way to cure it before school is to get yourself into a routine (as boring as it sounds) get up earlier, so that you're tired earlier, therefore go to bed earlier. Anddd repeat!

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