
Noise pollution help!?

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Ever since May when he moved in, I have had to put up with my neighbour underneath me blasting loud music all night every night.He has even assaulted me(which he is going to court for). However the noise hasn't got any better. In this case, he has been blasting music non stop since 9pm last night, it is now 6.15pm. I have spoken to environmental health but they have told me it is going to be a long and lengthy process, which I am undertaking but I need something to be done now. I have called the police, they have came out to him several times but they have informed me that legally there is nothing they can do. The caretakers for my block of flats have also said there's nothing they can do. I cannot go and tell him face to face to keep it down as he assaulted me last time. There is nobody I can contact as it is a weekend, and the noise is still going on. Does anybody have any advice on what I can do? I am in the Knowsley district of Merseyside. Thanks :)




  1. Unless you are ok with doing without electricity for a few hours all I can suggest is get the local papers involved to maybe shame him.  

    Have you any beefy neighbours you can seek out support from - maybe mob handed is the way to go?

    Good luck anyway.

    Me I'd over power him and smash his stereo into a thousand pieces and make sure I had witnesses able to confirm 'my side of the story'

  2. If you really want to get up his nose, put your speakers on the floor, facing downwards and blast them as loud as they will go!!! We tried this many years ago with our noisy neighbour and it put a stop to all his noisy shannannigans!! Good luck, it's a nightmare when you cannot enjoy a bit of peace and quiet in your own home...

  3. Personally, I`d give him one warning - a letter pushed through the letterbox - then I`d start getting nasty... I believe he can have his equipment confiscated... also, he must sleep at SOMETIME.. so if it were me, I`d wait until he`s asleep and do exactly the same back to him.. It must be so horrendous for you.. I feel for you, my neighbour had a grudge against us and he kept smashing our cars up - in the end we had to move....    

  4. I sympathise with you over this.  There are laws against this sort of thing.

    I would advise you to keep a detailed record of his noisy behaviour.  List down the dates as well as the times that the loud music is played.  

    You said that you live in a block of flats.  Are the flats run by the council or a housing association?  If it's a housing association then write a letter of complaint to them, as well as the council about your noisy neighbour.  Ensure that you send the letters by recorded delivery so that they receive them and keep a copy of the letters you've sent.  They will write to the tenant about the noise.  Neither, of them will reveal your identity.  

    If the noise doesn't stop after the council (and/or housing association) have written to him, then keep writing to them, each time enclosing an up-to-date list of the dates and times of the noise in the letter.

    Have you spoken to the neighbour who lives below him?  They may also be disturbed by the noise.  If they wrote too, this would make your case much stronger.  Also, you said that he had assaulted you last time, I hope you had reported this to the police, as this will make your case even stronger.  Whatever you do don't confront him again as he could assault you for a second time and don't retaliate in kind by playing loud music as this could jepardise your case.

    For further advice why not pop along to your local Citizen's Advice Bureau.  They can advise you of your rights and other ways to get the situation resolved.

    Good luck.  I hope that this is sorted out for you soon.

  5. i live not far from you. theres only one way to deal with this type. find someone to call at his flat in the dead of night and give him a bloody good warning.

  6. If you have a stereo with big speakers, get the most obnoxious music. you can find, place the speakers face down on the floor of your flat and turn up the volume.

    A mate did that once and it stopped the noise problem rather quickly. Once at mid day some git next door had his car stereo very loud whist working on int. I opened door and windows, cranked up my four speaker, hundred watt sound and blimey. That car radio was off in fast order.  

    If that fails, report the git to police. I did that recently and it was amazing how quiet things got after they had a quick word. If necessary call the police to come back out, being all apologetic. Soon, soon, if they are like the ones in this part, the music will die or the a** ole will be in custody.

  7. Ear plugs for when you're sleeping, music for during the day. Notify your landlord that his other tenant has broken your lease because it should clearly state that you have the right to enjoy your property without interference from other tenants and the landlord. Give notice and move! This guy can assault you again!

  8. Could you go and see your GP. Say you suffer from depression and feel suicidal because you can not take anymore. Your gP could write a letter to the council backing you up. don't give up with the council, keep at them to do something. surely you have a good case against your neighbour as he assaulted you already. I know how you feel, it is dreadful that you have to put up with that unsocial behaviour. Would other neighbours back you up?

  9. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is follow the very lengthy process the council has given you.

    In the meantime I suggest buying a good pair of ear plugs. Annoying I know, but if the noise really is that bad it may be worth it.

    Ringing the police, although they can't really do anything, could be a good idea. If you manage to get them to come out and talk to him just there presence might have an effect and get him to turn it down a little.

    Confronting him is a bad idea, as you may get assaulted again, plus he'll probably turn it up/keep it on just out of spite.

    Do you have other neighbours that are experiencing the same annoyance? If so try to get them all together and have them complain to the council as well. An entire group of people having a problem with a neighbour tends to get things moving a lot quicker than only one person having a problem.

  10. Put something nasty on and play it way louder than his or move.

  11. dosn't the council have such things as ASBO'S where you are??
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