
Non competition clause EU and UK?

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I currently work in the drinks industry in the Netherlands and would like to relocate to the UK and accept a differnt job within drinks industry. I have signed a non-competition clause that states I cannot work in the drinks industry for 2 years after but is this enforceable as my only experience is in drinks? Thanks for help.




  1. That sucks.

    Why can't you have the freedom to work in any field?

    Sounds like tyranny to me.

  2. The non-competition clause is not valid in the UK. The PC (Politically correct) brigade wouldn't allow that. You'll be lucky to find a job in the UK right now though unless you can speak Polish, or are prepared to work for a minimum wage. I left UK a long time ago - Thanks to Maggie Thatcher who said that if you can't find work where you live, then live where you can find work! Stay in Nederlands, you're safer on this side of the North Sea!

  3. Where would they find out if you have a job working in a British Pub? Just come over, along with all the other EU citizens and it will be impossible for them to find out as we are at present over run with EU citizens.

  4. not here its not

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