
Non-spayed female cat peeing everywhere

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We have a 1 year old female kitten who is peeing everywhere!

She is in heat at the moment and we've discovered she is peeing on the carpet, my clothes etc etc. I know she 'sprays' when she's in heat, but this is actual urine

I don't think she is sick as she is behaving normally, eating, drinking

Is this normal when females are in heat?

Will it stop if she is spayed?

We love her, but I refuse to keep cleaning up pee or throwing things out!

Thanks for your help!




  1. Your kitty is way overdue for a spay; as long as she can go in heat, she will have behavior problems, and can get pregnant - not good.

    Spayed females are more playful, relaxed and loving - they no longer have the "biological imperative" to reproduce, and are better able to enjoy life. She is year old now, so after spaying, you will have to work with her about that peeing problem- the longer she does it, the harder it is to train her not to.  Your vet may be able to help you with training tips.

  2. You answered your own question....NoN Spayed.  You waited to long, should have gotten her spayed when she was a kitten, now shes grown up and doing what most non spayed/neutered cats do, marking their territory. Get her spayed ASAP, and pray that you haven't waited to long and she will not continue to mark things. Good luck  

  3. maybe you should ask a doctor

  4. Cats that are not spayed are very hormonal - some of them are very territorial at this time as well.  Peeing is a way of marking territory - and getting her spayed will fix that.  There is a possibility as well of her having a urinary tract infection, but I'm betting that it's the hormones causing this.  Get her spayed - the sooner you do, the sooner the behavior will stop.

  5. If you love her, you will get her spayed.  Being in heat is stressful, and spaying stops some potential future medical problems.

    She is spraying around the house, advertising to all the males within miles that she is ready.  She will likely stop urinating around the house once spayed.  But you also need to make sure all the areas she has peed on are thoroughly cleaned of all scent.  White vinegar works quickly and cheaply.  Even throwing clothes in a wash cycle with a cup of vinegar followed by a normal washing will remove the odors, assuming the clothes are suitable for washing.

    The link I posted gives several approaches to cleaning up urine odors.

  6. she is peeing to leave her scent all over the house trying to attract a male cat...

  7. Your first step in to have her vet checked for any medical problems and schedule an appointment to have her spayed.

    Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

  8. She needs a checkup to determine if she has a urinary tract infection. Cats don't act sick like people do. If she is clear, get her spayed ASAP and hopefully she will quit urinating all over the house. If she still sprays, you will need to grab the tail when you see her positioning herself and spray her bottom with water. If you are fast enough and keep it up, this should break her of this.

  9. she may have a uti, urinary tract blockage or she just needs to be spayed...if she has urinary blockage or uti you really cant wait for a vet visit believe sister's cat died within 24 hours of having this...also if your cat isnt spayed you will have a great chance of her getting Pyometra...please get her spayed

  10. When she sprays, it is urine she is spraying. Are you sure she is in heat, and not pregnant. My cat did this when she was pregnant..and it was directly after being in heat. The best thing to do is get her spayed. It will solve everything if it was the heat/pregnancy that was causing her to pee on things. Other causes may be a change in here diet or cat litter. Have you changed her cat food or moved her dishes or litter box? Have you added another animal to the house or changed anything in the home that may have upset the cat? These are all factors that you need to consider.  I have 12  cats and if things are done different (anything out of our normal routine) then the oldest ones get upset with me. You may get your cat spayed while she is in heat or pregnant. This will be best for the cat considering she's never had kittens before. Hope this helps.  

  11. Spray IS urine!!!

    Get her spayed!

  12. Get her done.  Don't feel guilty cats do not have an urge to have a child.  It is safer for them aswell as it prevents them from getting cat aids.  If she is peeing on the carpet white vinager is great to get rid of the odour.

  13. Get her to a vet ASAP. If nothing is wrong than you should GET HER SPAYED!!!!!  

  14. It's worth a try to get her spayed and see if that helps. I've never had that problem, but I assume it can work the same way with female cats as it can with male cats. When you neuter a male cat, he will usually stop spraying everywhere, or it will at least die down a little bit. Try spaying her, and if that does not work, she may be incontinent or have an overactive bladder and may need to have medication from the vet for it.

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