
Noone understands!!!!!

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no one understands!! at the moment I'm waiting to see a psychiatrist..suspected depression.. only my mum knows out of everyone at home.. I'm 17 and i just sit indoors all day i cant stand the thought of going out! I'm scared of it! mum doesn't want me in all holiday but i dont want to go out!! everyone at home is getting annoyed with me for shutting myself in my room. but i don't want to be around ppl! don't want to talk much! my sister wont leave me in my room without walking in and shouting at me! i cant think at all! most of the time in bed not knowing what to do! i feel so lost.. all i can think about it dying.. every tiny thing annoys me! i don't know why! i have know idea what to do! i just want to die! ive tryed before. but only my friend knows that. i cant take being like this anymore!

i cant eat.. sleep..

the waiting list is 10weeks its only been 3...but i dont kno what to do!




  1. one less whack job in the world... and this is a sob story... not a question

  2. I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. It could be depression. You have a lot of those symptoms. I'm not a doctor, so I really wouldn't know for sure. I would  suggest seeing a doctor (which you are doing). While you wait you just have to try and keep yourself together. I would use the knowledge that you are getting help and that you will find out what's going on soon to try and lift your spirits. I will  pray for you!

  3. how long are u holding urself in the room? u cant be there too long u might become degenerated, go out there's nothing wrong outside. and i heard a lot of houses abroad are hunted(no kidding) things moving at nights, i have proofs. good luck

  4. try to be productive of your remaining weeks. be optimistic. in the situation you have given, you are attracting negative forces that will indeed haunt you for a very long time. remember "the law of attraction" is everywhere.

    if you dislike going out and talking to people that much, why don't you limit "this kind of persons to be talked to" to your family. have fun with them. listen to music, you and your family can enjoy. in that way, you will gradually overcome your fear in talking to people or being around people. Sometimes, it really needs to be on a step by step basis. Remember, it is never too late to do something to overcome that fear.

    Goodluck! :)

  5. You need to print this out and show it to your mother. To be having thoughts as serious as "dying", you require immediate care and this is not to be taken lightly.

    Please seek medical help promptly. Do not seek to Yahoo Answers for help with matters this serious.

  6. Sweetie, you need to tell your mother immediately that you are having thoughts of suicide.  The fact that you wrote on Yahoo is a cry for help.  Tell your mom you can't wait the 10 weeks. She should contact the psychiatrist right away and insist that it's an emergency situation.  If the doctor still won't see you, your mom should find someone else, or take you to a hospital for an emergency psych evaluation.  Don't hurt yourself.  I used to suffer from panic attacks and agoraphobia - I couldn't go out.  But I made it through - NOTHING is so bad that it's worth killing yourself over.  Go - talk to your mom right now - please!

  7. IT may not seem like it now, but you have so much to live for. I was unemployed for 3 months when i was 17 and it felt like a lifetime, i was worried about being fat and never getting any kind of life at all. im now 46, ive been working as cabin crew since the age of 21.  i have a partner of 18 years and a nice place to live, and just one fantastic friend. When you are young everything seems impossible, its easy for people to say dont worry, but that doesnt help. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE talk to someone you trust. dont think about ending your life as you have so much to live for. believe me... I was a short fat spotty g*y guy with no future, or so i thought, and now i couldnt be happier. please just chat to someone and just give it time. there is so much to see and do in your lifetime and i bet you are loved dearly by many people. life sometimes feel unbearable, but it will all be worth it in the end. I PROMISE. take care.

  8. It sounds like you may have some sort of anxiety disorder...The best thing to do right now is to stay healthy. That means that you need to eat some good food and drink lots of water. Take some sleep medicine if you must!

    And DO NOT TRY TO KILL YOURSELF. It is an incredibly cowardly act. Only weak people kill themselves! If you have a problem than you need to talk to someone about it- not try to escape it!

    And your family should not be annoyed at you at a time like this. Explain to them what you are afraid of and why. They need to understand that it isn't your fault that you are going through all this. But first- ask yourself these questions and try to calmly analyze the situation....

    1. Why are you so upset over going outside?

    2. Are you afraid of dying or of actually going outside?

    3. How long have you been like this?

    4. Are you trying to escape a particular problem?

    And do something to keep yourself busy while you wait for your therapy....

    I wish the best of luck.

  9. Take three aspirin. When you wake up, get some tea. Then take a walk in the woods where there are no people.

  10. start writing like in a journal or write some poems. Maybe even try drawing.  Do things inside that can keep your mind off it.  Writing is one of the best ways to work out of things like this. it helps you let things out without actually telling people unless of course u show them to people.  Just ignore everyone that bothers you. read a book maybe. Just hold in there until you get to see the shrink. believe it or not they do help.

  11. Just go outside.


  12. sounds c**p i know,but taking up somekind of hobby should keep your mind busy and away from bad influences,think about what you would enjoy doing,theres hundreds of things and take the plunge,keep your appointment it will help you discover why you feel so bad and to help yourself feel better,good luck

  13. Sounds like anxiety and I know exactly what you're talking about.  I rarely left my room for 3 months during my teen years.  You should definatly wait until the psych can see you.  I know it may seen like a while and it's driving you crazy, but just wait.  He can help.  If you can't wait maybe try another doctor.  Think about this: you've already taking the first step by making the oppointment, use this as something to look forward to and follow through!!  Good luck!  I hope things get better for you!

  14. What waiting list?  To see the psychiatrist?  If that is the case than you need to get an appointment for another psychiatrist immediately.  There may be some kind of a imbalance that creates the constant thoughts of doom and death, or maybe you are just weak and need to learn to get over and live life.  I am not a proffesional so I really couldn't say.  The only thing I can think of is talking to your mom since she knows your situation and getting her to get your sister off your back for now, and get into see a counceler IMMEDIATELY.  There should be no waiting, you should have been in that office like last month.  You won't be able to get any help at all until you get help.  Good luck, I hope you are able to pull yourself out of this.

  15. yea, you NEED to get out. im only saying this because i used to be the same way. i would lock myself in my room and mope around, while being a typical depressed teenager. By staying in a confined space and lacking exercise you are forcing yourself to become this way. I understand the way that you feel, even though you claim that no one will. and killing yourself or wanting to is only going to make things worse. your setting yourself up with failure and pessimistic thoughts and feelings. you will grow up and these feelings will change. TRUST ME! I was just like you. 17 is a difficult age because you are transitioning into adulthood. Just go out for short walks everyday and you will feel better. Life shouldnt have to be wasted worrying about these kind of things. It is meant to be enjoyed......

  16. It sucks to hear this dude, but i went though the same thing in the end of middle school i found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with my best friend and then after that I seemed to lose all my friends because i was so down on myself and was a complete loner for almost the whole year of the start of highschool, I was anti-social to and i even choked myself and cut my wrists. After that some people at school started reaching out to me and was recommending music and inviting me out and brought me snowboarding and made me happy again. Now I spend most my time working at a great job and skate boarding and hanging out with friends, so please try giving people a chance and I recommend picking something up like snowboarding, skateboarding or biking where theres a bunch of people of every age at a skate park or something. I know people at skate parks who skate and what not and they will reach out to you but you have to also reach out to them to and give them a chance cause you definately can find a friend there, hope i helped out.

  17. try forcing yourself into a good mood...go out and meet friends or sth, and by the end of the day, maybe you'll feel a little bit better? and talk to your mom!

    and never ever even think about killing yourself!!

  18. dude you have serious depression probably coupled with a couple of different things. print this out take it to your mom a police officer doctor minister any trusted adult you need help. and for god sake do not commit suicide all you are doing is hurting the ones you love if you do.

  19. need meds.They will help.hang in there until you can get some help.alot of people have problems like that.Meds are the answer...not death.

  20. i am depressed 2. but i go outside. i tryout 4 sports 2 keep me occupied. u should go outside and hangout wit ur friends or play a sport 2 keep ur mind off of things. i stay n my room 2 cause i dont wanna hang wit my parents but i think about it and say is this how i wanna b 4 the rest of my life? locked n my room and layin n my bed? or do i wanna hang out wit my friends and have fun and live the life i should?

    u should think about it. i'm gettin over my depression by doin things outside of the house.

  21. I've been where you are before.  It FEELS like no one understands, but you are not alone.  Millions of teens go through the same thing.  You know what I used to do?  Get a book, then go find a quiet place in the park where I can be alone.  I'd sit in the park under a tree as far away from people as I could get.  No one ever bothered me.  My family left me alone...  it was great.  If you don't like to read, then bring music instead.

  22. I know how u feel m8 (except for the dying bit), you feel so lonely and bored. Trust me, you have to go out with your m8s, its the only cure, or have a looooonnng phone call with the opposite s*x. TRUST me.

  23. You are getting help. Mean while you need to set a plan to keep you occuiped. What makes you happy? What do you enjoy?

    Have a rough routine to stick to, it will help. You must keep your mind absorbed in something. or you'll go mad. The more time you have to think you will feel worse. Get some good books, music. Always have something on in the background, music,tv,films. Don't ever sit in silence. Takecare of yourself take pride in your appearence even if you don't leave the house. If you can't go outside sit in the garden now and then. Natural light is good for you! Do whatever you can no matter how small. Write your feelings down. Scream in a pillow. Punch it. Vent you're feelings. Take your day an hour at a time if you have too. Try to have small conversations if you can even if it is for 5 mins here and there.  Help is coming. Be patient. Hang in there. little steps help so much. All the best.  

  24. I have been through depression, agoraphobia and panic attacks. I do undertand you very well. I could not eat, talk on the phone, leave my house or be left on my own. My sister did get mad about and I felt so hopless. My life totally changed when I started seeing a psychiatrist and getting some medications. It took some time but I have started living again, feel again, love myself again. I even enjoy flying which used to scare me so much. Please do seek help and get antidepressants, do not waste your life like that. When you will come off depression you will understand how valuable your life is. Not only to you but to people around you. You will feel so strong that nothing will touch you again. I swear.

  25. *hugs* What you need to do is do things that make you happy or watch things that make you happy. I've been in that situation and I suffer from depression. Its your choice if you want to stay in, but maybe bring a close friend round to talk to. I know you don't wanna be around people but self help is the best way trust me. Only bring round one so you don't feel over crowded and if you don't feel comfortable doing that talk to someone over the phone. Do things that take your mind off the current situation like a puzzle or something that will keep your mind occupied. Please don't hurt yourself because it isn't the right thing to do. If you wanna talk email me on here and I'll talk to you. The psychiatrist will help a lot too, I've been to see one myself trust me, it'll help. Hope everything brightens up for you =].

    Hope this helps!

  26. go to your family dr and tell him about it..until you can get to a psychiatrist he can put you on an anti depressant!

  27. i'm really sorry about this. my brother does the same thing but instead, he sleeps all day & hides from new ppl.

    ignore Pill Popper, he's ignorant & totally misunderstanding u.

    again, i'm sorry.

    i hope u'll be out there someday with no worries going on.

  28. you say that you are on a waiting list to see a psychiatrist - they will not help you with your feelings. psychiatrists only deal with the medication side of things and the diagnosis of your illness.

    it sounds to me like you need to go back to the doctor that referred you to the psychiatrist in the first place and ask them to refer you for counselling. if you are feeling suicidal then you need someone to talk to.

    there are a number of helplines you can call when you feel low and they can help - trust me, i have been suffering with depression and when i feel suicidal they can chat to you and put things into perspective.

    i think that you need to try and go out - even if its walking round the block or going to the shop. exercise does help to raise your mood so just walking will help you to feel better about yourself and it will get your family off your back! the longer you dont go out, the harder it will be to do so.

    good luck xx

  29. Sorry To Here That :( Well I Get Like That Sometimes When I Get All Over Heated An Hate Talking To People! Well Try And Find Someone You Can Trust (Friends) To Talk To To Discuss Your Problems And Let It Out :) Please Just Think About Who You Would Be Hurting Soo Much If You Comitted Suicide It Is Soo Terrible :( x

  30. where are all your friends during all this? they should be taken you out! if not call them up and say you need someone to talk to , im sure someone will be there for you, try not to always think so negative everyone goes through that stage in your life and you DO get through it , dont worry keep your head up, and try and keep busy. If you dont want to leave your room right away then do stuff in your room like make collages, read, watch movies.But you cant hide forever eventually you gotta get out and face the world, so instead of wasting time concetrating on depression and feeling sorry for yourself. Call up your friends and get out theree!! goodluck sorry dont mean to sound harsh but its reality.. everyone goes through good & bad times.  

  31. omg i feel exactly like you! except i am already seeing a therapist!

    just hang in there, i know its hard, but just go on the computer, watch tv, do whatever you can to distract yourself. start a mood diary, this has really helped me get stuff out. i suffered from stuff for about a year before i was found out and diagnosed with depression. i have also found that dragging myself out for walks has helped.

    just somehow try and find the strength to keep going, start a new hobby or something.

    don't worry about your family, mine are just the same. no one will ever understand if they haven't been in your position. just shrug it off, try and be nice when you're in the mood, otherwise just try and let it wash over your head. its hard, believe me i know, but just try and do all the stuff i said and wait for your session. draw strength from the fact that there may be hope in you seeing this psychiatrist.

    hang in there =] you're not alone, and good luck.
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