
Normal behavior for recently bandaged pet?

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Our 4 month old kitten broke her leg last night, and after an ER visit and vet visit this afternoon, her leg has been put in a splint.

The problem is that she seems to be shaking as if she's cold, and meows very loudly from time to time.

We were given .1mg Burprenorphine to give to her for the pain every 8 hours. 3 doses and we have already given her two since last night. We didn't notice the shaking until after we gave her the medication.

Is this a side effect or normal behavior after a trauma?




  1. talk to your vet

  2. Unfortunately vets aren't required to give you the side effects of certain medications.  If she's shaking keep her warm and do call your vet asap.  I does sound like a reaction to the medication.  Also look up the medication online- you should be able to find some info.

  3. I checked out this medication on the internet and here's what I found:

    "An allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. Narcotic withdrawal symptoms include diarrhea, severe mental/mood changes (such as anxiety, irritability, trouble sleeping), muscle stiffness or shakiness. If such symptoms occur, notify your doctor or pharmacist immediately. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist."

    OK, I know this information is for people, so I'm not sure if the same effects can happen with cats.  But I think you should contact your vet's office immediately, just to be on the safe side.  Even if the vet's office is closed, you should call.  They should have a recorded message that will give you an after-hours number to call.  

  4. I think, most often, there is a vet on-call.  Call the number -- you may get "in case of an emergency, call ___(#)".

    My cats have had injured legs, I've never seen them shake. A vet almost killed one cat -- for a different injuried -- the meds almost did her in.  I wish I could be more supportive of "science" ... sorry.

    It's been my experience that cats heal themselves of so many things, without our "help".  How does anyone "know" a cats in pain.  My cats have hobbled around (limping)...I've never heard them cry in pain because of it...  they hobble to dinner and go wherever they want. They sleep or rest to take care of it....

    Your cat's in a splint...  I, personally, would take her off the meds -- and feed her well (tuna, pasta, veggies, table scraps, other fish, chicken....) and make sure she has clean water at all times (bottled - spring best).

    The cat that the vet almost killed did just fine -- very well!! - after I took her off the meds.  It's a darned shame animals can't talk to let us know how to help and if the are in pain so severely they need meds!

    Sorry, I sound like I'm griping....  ....sorry.

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