
Normal for motion sickness?

by  |  earlier

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Is it normal for motion sickess to continue after it occurs initally like when you are out of the car/off the rollercoaster whatever. Cause when I get it really bad even when I step out of the car it doesnt fade.It actually feels like im more disorientated.Plus the smell of food turns my stomach and I either throw up at the slightest thing or feel extremley sick but dont get sick at all. Does this sound normal or too extreme ,and should it continue after the motion has stopped?




  1. i get motion sickness too and whenever i get it bad it usually goes away about 15 minutes after being out of the car or whatever. i usually throw up when i get out though.

  2. Why do you get dizzy when STEPPING out? I thought you should feel dizzy when they're driving.

  3. yeah thats normal

    lying down and having a rest helps

    best way is to just avoid it tho, or take travel sickness tablets that stop u feeling terrible

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