
North vs. south HELLLPPP:)

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ermm, can someone tell me the difference between the

Union & Confederates

(North & South)

& what they believed in..

this is for the book

The Killer Angels.

thanks :)




  1. is a great place for information for you:

    The south or confederacy was formed due to the issue of states' rights b/c of their wanting to keep slavery.  They did not want the north to tell them how to run their lives.  At the time, the south was mainly an agrarian society and abolishing slavery was detrimental.  The north however had moved toward manufacturing.  In essence there were really 2 very different societies.

  2. the north(union) abolished slavery while the south(confederates) wanted a status quo on slavery.  the confederates felt that if they abolish slavery, their cotton field would lie fallow and they had to change their sedentary lifestyles.

  3. Well the most known difference is the south/ Confederates supported slavery while the norht/ Union didn't.  Back then there was lots of tension between abolitionists (people who think slavery should be abolished) and non abolitionists.  Back then the Democrats were pro slavery and the Republicans were against it (funny how things change over the years huh?).  The South was really upset about talk of a Republican presidents so many states threatened they will secced if a Rep. is elected.  Sure enough Abe Lincoln is elected the south seccedes, and become the Confederate states of America.  The civil war was actually fought between two countries, but the CSA never gained recognition as a country.  The main tension between the south and north today isn't about slavery but the South feels they should have the right to seccede.  

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