
Nose job??

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im 14 yrs old and i really want a nose would help my self confidence and make me feel much better...i mean i dornt think im that ugly...but it would just be nice to not feel sometimes so self concense about the way i look beacuse of my god d**n nose! so my question is that once i turn 15 and over my summer breack of highschool do u think its a good idea to do it at my age...i have done research on i know what to except




  1. Unless it's for health reasons, there is no reason to get it. You have flaws for a reason.

  2. Your still growing never know you could have a really nice nose when you're older. Just wait a few then see if you still want one

  3. You can't even spell expect. Honey, you're not done growing at 14. This is a very bad idea in my opinion. Hopefully your parents have enough common sense to not let you get it.

  4. Wait until you are in college and then if you feel the same way get it done. But it is looked down on and you will probbaly get made fun of for it. Be happy being you.

  5. No, don't get it done now.

    You aren't done growing yet.

    What you have for a nose now could be totally different when you're 20 and if you get a nose job now, it could turn out kind of...funky

  6. your still growing. don't get one. ~wait untill your older~

  7. I wouldn't recommend it. You're still young, and not fully mature. You'd be hard pushed to find a doctor who'd do it at your age. I suggest you wait until you are 20, if you still want one then get one. At your age, it's not worth it.

  8. i think your too young for that kind of decision. when i was your age i wanted to change just about everything about myself from the color of my hair to the fact that i have freakles EVERYWHERE i hated it but as i grew up i relized that i'm special just the way God made me. you said yourself that your not ugly so why change perfection?!
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