
Not Racist. Just Wondering.?

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Every year, my classes discuss how African Americans went through so many hardships and slavery and racism...and YES i do realize & i do sympathize. but does anyone else get tired of them always bringing slavery up? i do not like people who complain & try to fetch excuses as to why they are being treated differently. "oh but my ancestors were slaves" ok. i'm sorry about that.

and another thing. some African Americans blame white people for everything but what they don't realize is that White People went to Africa & Africans were sold to white people. we did not go there and "steal them"

personally, i admire people like the jewish who were in concentration camps & very rarely do you see a Jewish Person complaining or even bringing it up unless you ask.

idk. maybe i sound like a b*tch. sorry if i do. i love all races. i've just been wondering.




  1. Well as you can see, people blame Jews for so much only sixty years after the entire bunch were butchered, so why do you expect better from the same people who weren't around over a  hundred years ago?

    Israel was far from prime real estate, it was a virtually indefensible country the size of New Jersey, no oil, no natural resources unless you count sand.  No one gave it to them, they fought for it.   Once having won the war, they then irrigated and farmed formerly barren land.  Maybe the reason Jews don't bring it up is because they know no one cares.

    Something that Black people just don't seem to get.

  2. wow - you're spin on history is way off, you really believe what you wrote?  Complaining about being discriminated against because of the color of our skin - you have issue with that?  Complaining about being refused housing, because of the color of our skin - you have issue with that?  Complaining about being stereotyped by the police - you have issue with that? Complaining about having crosses burned on our lawns - you have issue with that?  Complaining about being referred to as "n**gers - you have issue with that?

    So it would seem that even though you "love all races" - you are choosing to turn a blind eye to the racism that STILL exists in this country - all because you are tired of hearing people complaining about how they are being treated!

    And as for your love of Jews - how many came to this country as slaves, how many are still being treated like slaves = not racist.......ok, hopefully just misinformed!

  3. i get where your coming from and i know its a really touchy subject and i think some people (of all races) find it interseting and want to learna about it, and i think that a lot of people are genuinly sorry for ehat other races have had to go through, and its up to them if they want to learn, but not everyone has too, i am currently in a class for learning about the history of africans and african americans and i think what happend to them is horrible, i dont think you soind like a b*tch, its just everyone has there own opinions and like i said its a touch subject.

  4. I dont think ppl should use it as a handicap either.and im black.. But i think white ppl do need to understand that things are still not fair for us..

    For example.. If your name is Shakiesha Jenkins vs Jessica Bradford.. you probably wont get a call back for a job. you have to be overqualified..and go beyond.. what others do.. And i say this from the perspective of having a "white name" JEssica.. I've had white ppl very rudely say.. thats your real name? Why dont you have one of those weird names? I have a question for you all.. why do you think that everyone has to conform to your standards.. Like i certain jobs tell you, that you cant wear conrow braids.. Why? i can see males, but women? There is no difference in me wearing my hair in braids...going straight down..and you wearing yours in a ponytail.. I work in a call center for a Big utility company..and I speak english correctly..and I dont use slang.. but if I say something slightly different.. for example: and could you verify the last 4 digits of your SOCIAL.. I get white ppl that say what..? my social what? like they dont know what im talking about.. I also get mre that wont even give me that info.. b/c they think I will steal their identity..and nt trying to be racial either.. but usually its not ppl like me.. that do that.. usually someone who can pass for you..

    For the Jewish thing-- usually you cant tell someone is jewish.. i mean they have certain features.. but in general there is no denying if you are black.. so you get treated differently from the jump..

    I do think ALL ppl should work hard!! not make excuses.. I mean Im in college, I work full time, Just got accepted into Dental Hygiene School.. and im also a single parent.. so you know that i bust my Behind, getting where i am. and no i dont get welfare, or section 8 or any of that..

    Im not ranting..and im trying NOT to come off as a racist either..

    I dont blame ppl for where i am in life, I accept that my situation is due to my circumstances..(some of what I have brought upon myself) bt other things that I cant control, like my race.. shouldnt be used to determine what kind of person I am and how others treat me.

  5. I have to agree with you.

    Whites do often have the "slavery" thing held against them, while blacks get to rejoice their freedom.

    which is good, of course! i mean rejoice!

    but how many other races do we celebrate in america in class? THere is a Hispanic Heritage month, but that's it.

    WHat about Asians, Indians, and the many others?

    I say, all should be seen more equally, despite the past.

  6. I know what you mean. In Canada we hear all about the Aboriginals. What is worse is that they don't have to pay taxes, get paid to go to school, and are handed everything yet seem to want more. I know not ALL of them get this but in general it's the norm.

    I'd like to see Jews compensated for, or Families of slaves.

  7. i get tired to of the whole slavery topic (i had a history class that taught nothing but slavery for one whole school year).

    i also dislike people who blame all their hardships in life on other people. i mean if you want to be something in life don't just sit around and and blame your problems on other people. for example saying you cannot get a job because of white people, i think if you really wanted a job you would do everything in your power to get one.

    i do believe that the jews had it worst then us the blacks. i mean they were in these camps and they were sometimes killed as soon as they got to these camps in the most painful ways. while we the blacks had a chance to work for our freedom.

  8. im black.

    and in a way i kinda see what your saying even tho it was not  the best way of saying it. i think your probably tryna say why do so many pple use it as an excuse or a cop-out. and i dnt like pple who do that either, whether it be with slavery or anything thing else. some people use the bad things that have happened in the past for an excuse as to why they arent doing well in life.

  9. After the holocaust, the Jews got their own country, and it was prime real estate.  Not only their religious sacred land, but the sacred lands of the Muslims and the Christians.  Unlike blacks, the Jews seemed to rebound quickly, somehow they made lots of money and acquired lots of power.  The people responsible for the plight of the Jews were hunted down and put on trial for war crimes.

    What did blacks get?  Freedom.  OK.  But not without a price, they faced segregation and things like Jim Crow laws.  It wasn't really until the 1960's that blacks really were viewed with an equal footing, or at least it's supposed to be that way.

    In my opinion, the blacks got it worse than the Jews.

  10. you made sum very good points, have u noticed the most prejudiced people are usually the same as the ones yellin racism? idk why that is, but it really is tyring 2 hear so often. just a thought but why are we here and not in europe? did not our ancestors also escape tyrany and persecution? i guess we should b treated differntly as well---just a thot!

  11. Interesting!!!

                Whether you like it or not, slavery is a part of African-American history and as such has a rightfull place in black culture.

                 I have to take issue with your "oh but my ancestors were slaves" comment. I've never ever heard that before and don't beleive that that is a valid excuse for anything. Also, is your morality so twisted that because slaves were bought it was ok?

                 The reason you have heard less complaints from Jews is that Jews don't really associate with people from outside their religion, and most certainly wouldn't bring up the issue with a Gentile.

  12. It's the "victim mentality" brought courtesy of the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

  13. I agree fully.  If you need excuses then you have problems.

    BTW:  Every race and people on planet earth can make the same or similar claims against just about any other group.  Egyptians had quite a few slaves.  











    etc. etc. etc.

    All of these praticed slavery to one degree or another, and pretty much all of them wer also on the recieving side of slavery as well.  How many of them do you hear complaining about it?

    Edit:  IanHar...

    African Americans were given the State of Liberia.  Look it up.  Most African americans did not want to go back to Africa though and they were not forced to leave.  So your reference to Jews and Israel is invalid.

  14. It's called black victimization.  Read up on Obama's Church.  Black Liberation Theology is all about how oppressed they are and it's their job to get whitey off their back once and for all.

  15. Nobody answered the question yet.The reason it is pushed so hard in the schools is to condition people to think a given way.It [the pc agenda]was designed by marxists to foment racial agitation in Western Society.To specifically target blacks to hate whites and whites to feel guilty forevermore.To view all past wrongs against all minorities as a class struggle.To rewrite history.That filtered into the mainstream,and now people lose jobs for saying anything critical of minorities.It is to play a role in the near future as the fascists implement their NWO.           

  16. The Jews were also given Israel. That's why they shut they sit back quietly even though they displaced thousands of Palestinians off their own land.

    I'm sure if you gave African Americans a country of their own things would be different as well.

  17. It has something to do with the lingering oppression and inequality that African Americans have dealt with.  Up until the late '60's African Americans had the boot tight on their necks.  It takes time to heal that.  My family immigrated from England when I was 3, but because of my dark skin, I've been a n****r in the eyes of many people, and I've identified with African Americans thorugh my life.  Are ther individuals and groups that overplay the victim card?  Absolutely.  Do some African Americans contribute to their marginalization, of course.  But the same can be said about members of any group.  Do you think Native Americans should just let bygones be bygones?  Guess what? some of them don't.

    Do I get tired of slavery always being brought up?  No not really, because it's really not brought up that often.  I think you may be a little overly sensitive to it.  I personally am offended by the "You don't like it, go back to Africa" But that's just me.

  18. why are you such a b******e? not just on this but like on that girl asking if she was pretty..

  19. I get tired of when people whose grandparents weren't even around for slavery and parents weren't alive for discrimination. I also get tired of women bringing up past oppression. I understand both of them but I'm just tired of hearing it.

  20. It's not that anyone keeps "bringing up slavery," it's a part of US history and so it is taught about on a yearly basis, just as the American Revolution, Vietnam War and both World Wars are taught about on a yearly basis. SOME Africans were sold into slavery, but MANY were STOLEN from their homes and families. And who had the RIGHT to "sell" them in the first place? People are NOT property to be bought and sold.

    Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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