
Not gaining weight during pregnancy?

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Is it normal to have not gained any weight at 16 weeks?




  1. I was told that it all depends on your weight before pregnancy.  Well, I was 102 before pregnancy (with twins) and have only gained 6 lbs.  I would think that if you are seeing your doctor regularly and he doesnt seemed concerned, I wouldn't either.

  2. i am 7weeks pregnant and has lost 5lbs, have not gained any weight. Remember pregnancy is different. Once your doctor says everything is fine then you have nothing to worry about

  3. Yes! I lost over 20 pounds in my first 22 weeks! I'm now 26 weeks and have gained a total of 5 pounds! As long as u r eating healthy then no worries!

  4. Very normal, I am 36 weeks pregnant, and I have done nothing but lose weight the whole pregnancy, I just recently gained 4 pounds. If the doctor is not concerned than you are fine, best wishes!

  5. It's normal not to gain any in your first trimester. But you should start to gain weight in your 2nd. I didn't gain any weight the first 3 months. Now I am 23 weeks and I've gained 11 lbs. so far. You should start to gain weight soon. Good luck!

  6. it would be alarming. by 1st semester of your pregnancy, you should be gaining at least 15-20 lbs to maintain proper nourishment for your baby.. a total of 25-32 lbs for the whole pregnancy AT LEAST. Otherwise, your baby will suffer from other major complications referring to heart and lung maturity especially low birth weight which could hinder the fetus' growth and development inside your womb. see your ob-gyne ASAP

  7. I lost weight until I was almost 7 months. It was very hard for me to keep food down and i was hypoglycemic. I ate small meals often but they usually came right back up. before I got pregnant I weighed 126 lbs. When I went to the hospital to have my son, I weighed 129. I wish you the best. People dont know that it is hard for some people to gain weight during pregnancy. You usually hear that people gain too much. hang in there!!!

  8. yes....i didnt gain anything but 5 lbs later on around 24-26wks.

    then shot up again anther 6lbs n one month!

    i grow in spurts i guess.

    as long as the docsays your fine.

  9. i havent gained a single pound and im 16 weeks my midwife wasnt concerned at all i think its due to a higher matabolism in pregnancy.

  10. I'm about 13 weeks and actually have lost ten pounds (nothing stays down long). As long as your doctor isn't worried you shouldn't  be.

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