
Not paying enough for babysitting?

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I live in the USA and babysit for a lady. She has 3 boys:

3rd Grader

1st Grader

1 year old

I babysat 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and she only payed me $20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to be nice to ask for more but it is CRAZY! I am not a mother's helper, (She actually LEAVES)

Her kids arent aloud to watch TV, Play computer or play VIDEO games!

She always makes them clean up their playroom, (It is a WRECK when i GET THERE!) You cant even see the floor!

Her kids dont do what you tell them! I almost have to bribe them with candy! PluS! they are babies! THey cry if they loose a game or I tell them to clean up! (EVEN THE 3 GRADER!)

Does anyone have a good idea for me to ask for more money????? I want to be nice too! I also need good ideas for me to "punish" them to where they wont go whine and tell there mommy when i am done babysitting!





  1. You aren't getting paid enough, you should have talked about payment before you said you would watch them.

    You should be getting at the very least minimum wage (is it 6 an hour,now?) You are watching the most important people in this lady's life you should be paid for it.

  2. Sorry but that is pretty good for babysitting.

  3. She is getting away with murder.  She should be paying at least that much for 1 kid that young. She would if she went to a day care center.I would definitely ask for much more.

  4. Thats crazy....tell her too take her kids to a daycare!!! You just need to tell her that you need to get paid more than she is paying you!  She's only paying you a little over a 1.00 an hour/child!

  5. I don't get it.  Didn't you agree with her a price for babysitting BEFORE you took this job?  The kids sound like brats.  I think you can do better.

  6. Maybe make a fixed rate for one kid an hour.  Then, make fees for additional children.  Also, how old are you?  Are you experienced?  If you are only in 5 grade and this is your first job, that is good pay.  Yet, if you have some experience and are about 13, she should you at least $3.50 an hour.

  7. You should make a flier and put a bigger price on it. Then when you go to her house...bring it and ask her if she likes it. Tell her to read it. She will see that there is a bigger price and she will have to pay it because your already there. I hope this helped.


  8. Is the woman single parent? dos she have low income?  Because for 5 hours or so babysitting i would say that's more than reasonable!

    If you have a problem with how much she has given you,it's simple..........just don't babysit for her again!   She probably gave you that money because that was what she could manage.Don't ask her for more,that's just down rite cheeky!

  9. I think you should have set an amount ahead of time so you would know what to expect. Realy you should get at least $50.00. Just tell her that you appreciate anything you get however you forgot to tell her that you charge $10.00 per hour otherwise it's really not worth your time.

  10. YOU ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF! i baby sit for about 5 hours and i get 50 bucks! You should get charged 10 bucks an hour, not 20 bucks for 5 hours. I suggest you just say, "I have changed my rate to 7 bucks an hour (or as much as you want). If the kids whine or throw a fit, just ignore them. Don't pay any attention to them. The worst mistake is to give in to the kids. Never bribe them, they will take advantage of you then. Maybe bring up to the mother "the kids are not beheaving very well, so i am going to have to ask for a advance." And if they don't clean up, they simply get in trouble with their mother. The mother should understand, since she must have to deal with them whinning too. Maybe ask how she deals with it?  I hope this helps. I used to be in the same boat, but the lady was very nice, and understood when i asked for more money. Remember, its your right for more money, if she refuses, then simply stop babysitting.

  11. Stop babysitting.

  12. Just ask her how much gas $20 will buy?  Then ask her how much day care costs per day.

    Then tell her to do the math, You will get a raise!

  13. have set amount that you will charge people $20 for that was not enough. Ask the kids what they like to do find art activities, games find cute little snacks you can make with them ect. $20 wouldnt cut it for me. ha good luck

  14. I understand how hard it is but you are doing way mroe than a normal babysitter by not allowing them tv...ect and aking them clean, so you should be paid at least 2 to 3 dollars per child per hour. you need to speak up soon, i have two kids and had babysitters and paid them very well, and NEVER minded the babysitter speaking up on behalf of herself, asking for a certain amount, so please do it soon, as good babysitters are hard to find! she should give in and pay you. good luck!

    remember, you are your own boss, so you set the pay not her!

    or you negotiate a payment that both of you can be happy with, as in less if she lets you let them watch tv, ect!

  15. Just go to her and be like

    "I'm sorry to ask, but I do have a standard hourly rate of $7.00 an hour (or whatever it is now) and last time I babysat I worked for 5 and 1/2 hours, so I actually need like 40 dollars. I hate to be that way, but I babysit for other people and it's not fair if I let you off with such a discount."

    Be professional, just make sure you're not needing and tell her the facts.

    The punishing thing, if they tell there mom, take their mom aside and say "they were misbehaving, so I had to take charge." - she'll understand, she is a parent. If she doesn't, next time she asks to babysit tell her this.

    "I'm really sorry, but you're children just don't behave, and I don't know how to punish them or make them stop. I just don't think it'll work out."

    For ideas, try time out, take away a toy, or reward them for good behavior.

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