
Not pregnant...?????

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My boyfriend have had s*x the past two months unprotected hoping to get pregnant, and it's not happening! I'm starting to worry because all the women in my family have gotten pregnant on the first try, and a couple of them have gotten pregnant by accident, meaning our family is very fertile. Why can't i get pregnant? I know people who have s*x for the first time and get pregnant by ACCIDENT. Ugh.. How long do you think it will take?




  1. Don't worry, I'm not going to judge you. But how old are you?

    Just please before you get pregnant make sure you can take care of the baby, even if you are a teen. Is your boyfriend going to stay, do you guy shave jobs, are you going to stay in school, do you have health insurance to cover medical expensive, can you provide your baby with everything it needs to be healthy? What about your parent? where are they, will they support you?

    In order to get pregnant you have to be ovulating, just knowing when that is going on will help. If you do get pregnant please go see your doctor right away, you don't have to have your parents there with you but it will help.

  2. What?  Are you insane?

  3. ur a teenager!!! NJOY UR LIFE. btw HOW OLD R U????

  4. why are you trying to get pregnant now? How old are you anyway? Enjoy your life while you still have one. Having a baby isn't like having a doll you know. That baby will be depending on you from day one unlike a doll who you can just throw on a shelf and forget about. Listen to us and enjoy the time you have as a teenager. You wont be one forever and you have plenty of time to try to have a baby.

  5. Why don't you get married.  It will happen faster if you are married.  

  6. Consider it God blessing the doomed life of your unconceived baby

    Don't purposely bring a child into this world into a broken home.  Give it a father.  Don't have a baby unless you can be married.  If you can't marry him yet, you aren't ready to have a child.

  7. If your posting this in adolescent how old are you. I don't know if you believe in God but I do and I am kind of just thinking maybe it is God saying you're not meant to have a baby right now. If he wanted you to have one, you'd be pregnant. Wait until the time is right, dont rush it because you'll regret it if you do.

  8. From a 'biological' and 'scientific' point of view, it can take several months or even years to become pregnant.  My husband and I tried for over a year to conceive before I became pregnant with my daughter.  So, stop stressing yourself out about it, it does take time.

    On a spiritual point of view (which is more important to me), there may be something in the way of you getting pregnant right now.  As a Christian, I believe (and know based on the Word of God) that God cannot bless your relationship with your boyfriend until you are married.  So, He may be waiting on you to make your relationship 'right' in His eyes before you can receive the blessing of a child.  And, yes, it's true thta a lot of people who are not of the Christian faith become pregnant, but maybe you're special.  Maybe God has a plan for you and it's not your time to have a child yet.  Be prayerful and seek God's wisdom and guidance here.  I'm sure you'll become a mama soon enough. :)

  9. you might not be ovulationg right now..if you talk to your doctor you can find out when you're ovulating..if you have s*x when you're ovulating then you'll have a higher chance of getting pregnant..and just cuz you havent gotten there yet doesnt mean that you're not as fertile as your probably just have bad timing..keep'll come eventually. also...from what it sounds like you've been trying quite a bit ..if you cut down a bit that might help..also..if you man wheres tight pants maybe he shouldnt for a while cuz tight pants will decrease his sperm count. anyways good luck
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