
Not sure about this guy?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy in my one of my classes , he is nice and is pretty good looking, a bit weird and shorter than I am. By weird I mean he sings all the time (not always in a great pitch).

I am always at school early and I think he catches a bus becuase he is usually there early too. He always comes over if I am sitting alone when he walks past and talks to me about random stuff. He is very funny and I almost always laugh when he talks to me.

What is happening?

Don't feel obliged to say he likes you. As I don't know how I feel towards him.




  1. He just sounds like a genuinely friendly kind of guy.

  2. Umm, he's being friendly..... Havent you ever met anyone before?

  3. maybe he wants some company. Since he makes you laugh, so just keep it at that. Enjoy the moments and dont think too much about  it.

  4. mm, check the signals. any compliments you get, take themm. say something like awee, thanks. ans smile. and don't ever second guess talking to him like online or in person, just do it. confidence is key. and then you'll have less chance of making a fool of yourself. anything you have the urge to do or say, just go along with it. but like directly telling soemone how you feel is out of the question until it's a relationship. like don't ever say i really like you, but more like you're really cute. as to not sound too desperate or weird. and don't be so nervous. every guy is an option, and in the end he's still just a boy. so whatever happens, happens.

  5. He sounds like a nice guy - if only the guys at my school were more like him!

    I'd say he is just a friendly guy who wants to be friends with you, but you never know - there could be something a little more there. If he makes you laugh and generally feel good, that's a good sign - but does he do this with other girls? If it's just towards you, he's totally into you.

    Get to know him a little better - you may be surprised to find yourself warming towards him in no time.

    Hope I've helped! =]

  6. Hes got one of those great personalities, the ones you're just drawn to... =P

  7. I can't really know. You see, the weird guys are the most likely *not* to just ask you out if they like you. However, they're also the most likely to just want friendship with a girl.

    Clearly, you enjoy his company on some level, and he enjoys yours. Ask him to go do something casual some time (not coffee, because that's a code word for it's a date) like a movie or arcade or studying together for a test or something, and see how he responds. That way you can tell if he likes you (if he's awkward the answer is yes), decide whether or not you like him by seeing him somewhere that isn't school, and if it ends up not being mutual on whichever end, you can pass it off as friends hanging out.

  8. im not sure if he likes u completely but it sounds like he likes u like 4 out of 10 if that makes any sense to u lol just keep talking and maybe u guys will end up 10 out of 10 liking eachother lol i hope you understood that lol

  9. he wants to get to know you

    be friends

    maybe he is new. and wants to get to know you

  10. There is something about you that makes him feel comfortable around you and obviously you feel comfortable around him. Might be a good match, try to bring conversation up more between you two

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